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When to sow Turkish cloves. Turkish carnation: reproduction, cultivation and care. Varieties of Turkish cloves

Carnation is an unusually beautiful and exquisite plant, which can be increasingly seen in flower beds and even in pots on windowsills. However, all amateur gardeners who want to grow this plant should know that there are several varieties of these flowers. Perennials often propagate vegetatively, and annual and biennial species - by seed.

When and how to plant an annual carnation

In floriculture, Chinese carnation and many varieties of the Shabo group are cultivated as annuals. It must be taken into account that approximately 5 months should pass from germination to the formation of peduncles. Therefore, we cannot do without seedlings in our climatic latitudes.. In order to achieve early flowering from this plant, sowing should be done in February - early March. However, the timing must be calculated individually, taking into account:

  • weather conditions of the region (when transfer to open ground is possible);
  • period of desired flowering;
  • features of the selected variety.

Cloves are sown for seedlings in containers with a light substrate or in well-heated greenhouses. Sprouts love light and cannot stand waterlogging. For a stronger development of the root system, diving is used. They are planted in open ground no earlier than mid-May.

With late sowing of seedlings, experienced gardeners recommend digging out representatives of the Shabo group in early autumn and transplanting them into pots.

Thus, even the onset of the cold season will not deprive you of the opportunity to admire the bright colors of these flowers.

When and how to plant Turkish cloves from seeds

Turkish carnation belongs to the type of perennials that need to be propagated quite often and regularly. The reason for this is that most of its varieties belong to the so-called juveniles, that is, they are grown mainly in a two-year culture. And indeed, perennials after this milestone inevitably lose their decorative effect: they “grow bald”, are spent, become smaller. Therefore, connoisseurs of these flowers need to learn in advance how to propagate them.

Turkish carnation (bearded) has a reputation for being a hardy plant. This is confirmed by the fact that it can easily grow by self-seeding. The seedling method is used extremely rarely, but it should be remembered that with the seed method, it blooms no earlier than the second year of life.

Three options for sowing this flower crop are used.

First: before the onset of frost, dry seeds are scattered directly on the beds without watering. The disadvantage of this method is that fewer seedlings germinate, and flowering occurs later.

Second the option involves sowing directly into open ground in April. Seeds are cold-resistant, but we must remember that they germinate for a long time. The seeds are small, so they are not deepened by more than 1 cm. Shoots break through or transplant.

Third option - summer breeding. In early June, seeds are sown in moist soil and lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Before the onset of frost, the plant will have time to turn into a strong bush, which will overwinter well and is guaranteed to bloom the next season.

The reason why the plant 'Dianthus barbatus' is called Turkish carnation has been forgotten, but the poetic name fits in with the pleasant aroma and vibrant spectrum of possible colors. Mature plants reach 30 cm or more in height, depending on the variety. Turkish cloves are easy to grow and maintain, but may need to be replanted after one or two years, as they rarely survive longer. Luckily, you can harvest the seeds from your first plant or let it re-sow on its own, spreading the joy of one original plant for years.


Part 1

Planting a Turkish carnation

    Find out when your Turkish carnation will bloom. Due to the many varieties of Turkish carnations and the different methods of growing them, you may hear conflicting information about when your flowers will bloom and how long they will last. Biennial varieties bloom in the second year, and then die. Perennial varieties must regrow flowers year after year, but perennial Turkish carnations usually bloom for two years and often die before they bloom a second time.

    • Proper care of perennial Turkish cloves increases the chance of reseeding, as described in the Turkish Carnation Care section.
  1. Get a growing plant if you want to see flowers throughout the year. If you want your Turkish carnation to flower reliably throughout the year, purchase seedlings or mature plants in the fall or spring. Confirm with the previous owner that the plant will flower that year before taking it home, as some seedlings may not flower until their second year.

    • Seeds that claim to be annuals (flowering and dying within one year) may or may not live up to the promise, depending on the variety and how it responds to the local climate.
  2. Decide when to plant. Turkish Carnation seeds are strong enough to survive most winters and can be planted in fall or late spring to bloom 12 to 18 months later. If the plants have already begun to grow, or if you are concerned about a harsh winter, you can store the plants in indoor pots, then transplant them outdoors in early spring. Once seedlings are six to eight weeks old, they will be easy to transplant, with a low risk of harm.

    Find an area with good sunlight but cool temperatures. Turkish cloves grow faster in full sun but are best suited for colder climates. Ideally, they should get 4-5 hours of direct sunlight a day, but planting them in light shade is a smart choice if you live in a hot climate.

    Check your soil. Turkish cloves prefer loose, rich soil with good drainage. Water should drain quickly into the soil, and never accumulate on the surface of dense, hard soil. If desired, you can turn the existing soil around and supplement it with potting mix to provide more nutrients. Although you don't need to check the pH of your soil, for successful growth of Turkish Carnations, you can adjust the pH to slightly alkaline (around 6.75) if you already have a garden pH kit.

    • Soil pH garden kits are available at garden stores or online. Again, this is not a must-have for growing Turkish cloves, which are quite adaptable when it comes to soil pH.
  3. Sow your seeds. Plant a Turkish carnation in spring or summer. Set them on the surface and cover them lightly with 0.6 cm of soil, or dig a trench to that depth and refill after planting the seeds. Plant the seeds 6 inches apart in ideal conditions to reduce the chance of rot and disease transmission. If you don't have the space to give them that much space, you can group them closer together, but take special care not to overwater in this case.

    • If you are transplanting seedlings, simply transfer the soil around the roots into a hole twice the size of the soil ball, then fill. Be careful not to cover part of the stem of the seedling; the plant must be covered at the same level as it was before.
  4. Water after planting. Turkish clove seeds and seedlings benefit from immediate watering after transplanting, but be careful not to soak them with more water than the soil can drain. Transplanted seedlings should be kept in moist but not soggy soil for several days. Once they are established and recover from any wilting that may occur, care for them as described in the care section.

    Part 2

    Turkish Carnation Care
    1. Water lightly. Keep the soil around the seedlings slightly moist, slightly dry. Once the plant is mature and no longer growing, most varieties do not require watering except during hot weather. As with any plant, water more frequently if the soil becomes dry or cracked.

      • Turkish cloves can rot if exposed to too much moisture, so be careful not to flood them. The soil should never feel damp or contain standing water.
    2. Fertilize plants (optional). If you want to encourage faster growth and flowering, apply an all-purpose fertilizer to the soil every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer when growth or flowering is noticeable). Follow the instructions on the specific fertilizer to avoid burning or damaging plants.

      Treat young plants with insecticides. Spray an all-purpose insecticide spray on young plants to discourage disease. Turkish cloves are prone to nematodes. If you see the presence of nematodes that look like tiny, roundworms, use a fungicide on the plants according to the manufacturer's instructions.

      • Note: If you plan to eat Turkish carnation flowers or feed them to your pets, do not treat them with any pesticides.
    3. Pick off faded color. Turkish carnations usually bloom in late spring or early summer and then lose their blooms in the heat of summer. When the Turkish carnation flowers dry out, gently pull them up and discard. This will encourage new flower growth, and will prevent the plant from dropping seeds if you want to have more control over your garden.

    Part 3

    Reproduction of Turkish carnations

      Let flourishing plants reseed on their own. If Turkish carnations are properly cared for and the variety is suitable for the climate, there is a good chance they will seed the garden with a new generation before they die. If you want Turkish carnation to be sown in the garden, let the mature flowers die and the seeds fall on their own.

      • Be aware that some flower cultivars are hybrids of several plants and may produce seeds that grow into plants with a different appearance or characteristics than the mother plant.
    1. Collect new seeds from plants. In mid to late summer, after the flowers die, they form dry, brown seed pods. Remove them, as soon as the pods open at the end, pour out the seeds. Shake these pods into a container to release black, disc-shaped seeds for fall or spring planting.

      Cut off dry stems after the seeds have fallen. Once the seeds have fallen, or after you have collected them yourself, cut the seed pods off the stem. Normally, Turkish carnations use too much energy to produce seeds to keep growing for another year, but removing the pods will increase the chance of a different color.

    2. Take cuttings from mature plants. If you are lucky enough to have a Turkish carnation that survives more than a year or two, it can get quite large. In autumn or early spring, before growth begins, cut off one of the largest stems near the base using a clean knife or scissors. These cuttings can be planted to form new plants, although you may need to stake them to keep them upright.

      • Newly planted cuttings will take time to form roots. Keep them in a warm, humid place out of direct sunlight to prevent them from drying out when this happens. A few days under a clear plastic bag or container can help create the moist conditions needed.

Garden varieties of carnations will impress flower lovers. Different flowering times allow you to compose the composition of the garden in such a way that it will bloom throughout the season.

Description and features of Turkish cloves

Carnation (Dianthus) Turkish can be divided into 2 groups: undersized and tall. Where the first group is up to 20 cm high, the second - 80. Inflorescences are monophonic or variegated. The petals are simple and double, ciliated along the edge.

The natural color of carnations is usually white, pink, while horticultural crops have many shades and mottling. Small flowers up to 1 cm in volume are collected in a lush rosette, resembling a small bouquet. Leaves are rich green.

When planting plants, you can successfully combine varieties in landscape design. When low-growing varieties are planted in the foreground, followed by tall shrubs.

Turkish carnation has a distinctive feature - cold-resistant culture, not demanding on the soil. For the winter, only young specimens are covered with a layer of mulch, while adult species overwinter in central Russia without shelter.

Planting and propagation of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnations - perennial plants, but grown as biennials. grow well in the sun, in a place protected from strong winds, but in hot weather shading is appropriate.

The actual place for them is the neighborhood with young trees. It should be planted on the south or southeast side, as cold north winds adversely affect growth. Strong winds can break fragile stems.

The soil for the bushes should be neutral, fertile, with good drainage. Although flowers can grow on loamy sandy soil. Just fertile lands provoke a large number of inflorescences. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

Humus is added to insufficiently cultivated land at the rate of 7 kg of organic matter per 1 sq. m. and some mineral fertilizers.

seed propagation:

Reproduction of Turkish carnation seedlings

- a substrate is prepared from sand, humus, peat and sod land;

- soak the planting material for 12 hours in a growth stimulator;

- sow seeds in a container and sprinkle with a small layer of sand (3 mm), which is pre-treated under steam or in the oven;

- as soon as shoots appear, send the container to a cool (15 degrees C), but a bright place. Maintain the temperature until planting in open ground. The seedling will harden and will not be susceptible to diseases;

In the photo, seedlings of Turkish cloves

- water moderately. If in the process growing turkish cloves some shoots will disappear, they are removed from the container. Empty places are covered with activated carbon or ash.

- the signal for the first pick is the presence of 2 leaves;

- seedlings are planted according to the 4x4 cm scheme in other containers;

- planting time for seedlings - January;

- secondary picking is carried out in March, for active growth;

- when 5 leaves appear on the bush (approximately in April), pinching should be done. This will make it possible to develop a powerful root system. ;

- in May, seedlings are sent to open ground;

- seedlings are dug out with a clod of earth and planted in a prepared bed.

Air layers:

- propagate by layering should begin in August;

- the shoot is pressed to the ground, pinned and covered with a layer of earth;

- the top of the head is tied to a peg vertically;

- roots and young shoots will appear within one month;

- you should separate the layers from the mother bush and plant them in a permanent place.


- in May, when you can select the stems without peduncles, you can cut them off for reproduction;

- a stalk 10 cm long, with 3 pairs of leaves is cut under the knot;

- make cuts on the stem with a very sharp knife for a third of the thickness;

- lower leaves (2 pcs.) are removed;

- use thermally processed sand as a substrate, where cuttings with an incised part are planted;

- cover the container with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;

- keep the cuttings in a cold place without access to direct sunlight;

- after 20 days, when rooting occurs, transplant the planting material into open ground.

The division of the bush:

in early spring, dig a bush, carefully divide the root system into several parts with roots;

    plant in new places;

    the bush will bloom already in the current season.

Some types of cloves come with a single stem. The bush can bloom spreadingly, but it does not lend itself to division.

Turkish clove care

Carnation is an unpretentious flower and requires mainly young specimens to care for:

    Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. The optimal rate per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can lead to the development of root rot. Water should not fall on flowering buds. The normal condition of the soil is slightly moist, slightly dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.

    Carnation responds well to top dressing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. An excess of nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. The first top dressing with mineral fertilizers is needed for a seedling 10 cm high. The second fertilization will be required already at the time of setting the buds. The last top dressing is the flowering of the bush. Everything must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.

    Diseases. Preventive measures will help prevent infection of flowers. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes, pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms that can infect any part of the plant. In the fight against it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Carriers of fungal diseases are neighbors. It is undesirable to plant bushes with hyacinths, gladioli. In case of a viral disease, the flowers are transplanted to another place, and the infected flowers are destroyed.

    Faded buds should be removed to encourage future flowering.

If the bushes are planted close enough to each other, they will clog the weeds, thereby freeing flower growers from weeding.

Types and varieties of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation belongs to the genus Carnation, which has 400 species and many varieties. The time and duration of flowering is different, which makes it possible to create different compositions. The most beautiful and attractive varieties with photo of turkish carnation.

Turkish Carnation Heimatland

Heimatland. Large inflorescences with a bright red tint and a contrasting center of white.

carnation lahskenigin

Lakhskenigin. Salmon pink flowers. The central border is darker in color.

Turkish carnation garden

Turkish garden carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) or Dutch. The species includes five main varietal groups:

Carnation souvenir de Malmaison

1. Souvenir de Malmaison - plain rosettes of red, yellow and pink

american carnation

2. American - striped and solid colors (yellow, red, white) colors.

Pictured is a dwarf Turkish carnation

3. Dwarf - colors of the same tone: yellow, pink, red.

clove grenadine

4. Grenadine - the same tone of red or pink buds.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation shabo

5. Shabo - tall varieties with double inflorescences.

Turkish terry carnation

Turkish terry carnation will decorate any garden with its refined and noble appearance. Terry, velvety petals can have a different color with a pronounced pattern.

white turkish carnation

Turkish white carnation as if a "bride" in a wedding dress is waiting for her beloved. Small inflorescences are collected in a large rosette and are like a miniature bouquet.The leaves are small, dark green in color, barely visible against the background of the buds. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation diadem

Diadem - dark petals and a contrasting white border in the center.

Since ancient times, carnation has been a favorite of flower growers in many countries. The smell of a flowering culture is similar to the aroma of the buds of a clove tree - a well-known spice. Hence the name of this flower. But from the Greek language, the name of the plant is translated as "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus."

If you decide to plant a carnation in your flower garden, then you need to know some rules for growing, caring for and propagating this flower in the open field. Numerous photos of these wonderful plants will help you choose a variety.

Medium-sized, but catchy Turkish carnation flowers will look great in any flower bed.

Description of Turkish clove

Turkish cloves are one of the most common types of flower-grown crops. She fell in love with gardeners back in the 16th century for her bright flowering hats. This ornamental plant comes in a variety of colors. There are both monochromatic white and various shades of red, and two- and even three-color with various patterns on the petals of medium-sized (1–1.5 cm in diameter) flowers. The designs range from petal borders to eyes and intricate shapes. Yes, and the petals of the carnation themselves are very diverse. There are also five-petal varieties, and varieties with double flowers. Carnations bloom from the beginning of summer for a month.

Planting a carnation

The most beautiful Turkish carnation grows on fertile soil. It blooms well in open sunny areas, but will grow in partial shade. If fertilizers are added to sandy and loamy soils, then they are quite suitable for Turkish cloves. Before planting, compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil when digging.

It is not necessary to dig the future bed too deeply, 25-30 cm is enough. Then the bed is leveled and moistened if the soil is dry. The prepared area is covered with a dense cloth for two weeks. When the time has passed, you can start planting flowers.

If the soil is fertile enough - the flowering of the carnation will be long and lush.

Seeds are sown in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Between the furrows, the gaps must be at least 15 cm. Seeds are sown in the furrows, watered and sprinkled with earth. The soil needs to be lightly compacted. Watering is no longer needed, you just need to cover the bed with a thick cloth until the first shoots.

You can plant carnations both in spring and autumn. It is performed using the same technology.

Attention. During autumn planting, both seeds and furrows should be dry.

Turkish clove care

As already noted, carnations feel best in sunny areas in fertile soils. These flowers are very sensitive to winter temperature fluctuations. This is especially true for young plants. Turkish cloves do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants are most at risk in early spring, when temperature fluctuations are especially great, because during the day the plants heat up in the sun, and it freezes at night. So that the plants do not die during this period, non-frost-resistant varieties should be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the shelter only when the likelihood of returning frosts disappears.

Protect Turkish Cloves from Frost

When the carnation fades, the stems must be cut and fertilized in the soil. Thus, in a month the plant will already grow new stems, and some varieties will bloom again. Turkish carnation, which is cultivated according to all the rules, lives up to six years, while poor conditions reduce its residence time in the flower garden to three years.

Carnations need to be watered once or twice a week. And if the summer is dry, then the amount of watering needs to be increased. Water the plant on the ground, because if drops of water fall on the flower, it can burn out in the sun.

Attention. Carnation does not tolerate waterlogging.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which were described above, also needs to be fed. When growing cloves in open ground, the first feeding of the plant is done when it has reached a height of 10 cm. 1 tbsp is used as a fertilizer. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward", diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Feed the crop several times per season

When your flowers began to acquire buds, you need to carry out a second top dressing. This time you need to use 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate, also diluted in 10 liters of water.

The third top dressing is applied directly during the flowering period of the carnation for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer "Agricola for flowering plants".

Attention. Feeding consumption should be 10 liters per 5 square meters. m.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of Turkish cloves is most often carried out by seeds or layering. In order to propagate cloves by layering, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • in July or August, the shoots must be tilted to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with soil;
  • tie the stem to the peg, keeping it upright;
  • take care of the shoots that will appear in a few weeks;
  • in autumn, new shoots must be cut off and planted in open ground.

Turkish Clove Seeds

Another way to propagate Turkish cloves is cuttings. To do this, I most often use shoots that have not formed inflorescences this year.

You can also use as seedlings bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding of cloves. They just need to be transplanted to the place you need. However, it is worth remembering that self-sowing often loses the distinctive features of varieties.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation is a disease resistant plant, but occasionally, mainly in the southern regions, it can get a viral disease that is spread by sucking insects. It manifests itself in the inhibition of flower growth, the appearance of a mosaic color on the leaves with their subsequent deformation. In this case, the diseased plant must be immediately destroyed, preventing infection of other bushes.

spider mite

Also occasionally found in Turkish carnation heterosporiosis. This fungal disease appears on the leaves and stems as small gray spots. Sometimes the spots have a red border. Subsequently, the spots brighten and merge with each other. In this case, the flower becomes fragile in the place of accumulation of spots, the leaves turn yellow and die. The fungus lives on the plant even after it has died, therefore, in case of infection, all remnants of the diseased flower must be carefully removed, and the plants surrounding it must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Of the pests, Turkish cloves planted in open ground can be attacked spider mites and aphids.

Turkish carnation in a flower bed

The simplest and most reliable means of confronting these pests is considered to be tincture of potato tops. To do this, for 10 liters of water, you need 1 kg of potato tops, infused for a day and a half. Before spraying in the tincture, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap.

Advice. Spray cloves in cool mornings or evenings.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

In flower beds, carnations are recommended to be planted with the same perennial sunflowers. For example, Turkish carnations will go well with Alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. All of these perennial flowers have the same soil, watering requirements and thrive in open sunny areas.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

In landscape design, Turkish carnation is used quite often. A big role in this is played by the ease of care for this flower, combined with its incredible beauty. Carnations are used to create spectacular borders. Can carnations in landscape design and play the role of a lawn and serve as ground cover plants. Bright hats between pavement tiles, framed by steps, and decorating retaining walls will look great.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

Often this flower is also used to decorate alpine slides. In addition to colorful flower beds, you can diversify your landscape design with original monochrome duets, for example, in a combination of red varieties of carnations with blood-red geraniums.

In addition, this flower can be planted in pots and decorate terraces and rooms with small flower beds.

This flower also looks great in cut flowers in bouquets, both as a solo plant and in combination with other flowers.

It all depends on your imagination. And if you lack inspiration - look at the photos with these beautiful flowers, perhaps they will help determine the best place for carnations in the flower garden.

Turkish carnation is one of the most unpretentious garden flowers in its care, which pleases with its bright rich beauty any, even the most capricious grower.

Turkish carnation care: video

Turkish carnation: photo

In most of our gardens, you can find a bright, multi-colored, patterned flower that blooms profusely - Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus). Its neat variegated bushes look especially impressive on lawn compositions in combination with ornamental grass or other types of Turkish carnation itself.

Did you know? Turkish cloves are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have an alluring, subtle, spicy smell.
Turkish carnation has the following description: it is a decorative biennial or perennial flower with densely flowering spherical inflorescences of various shades. Petals are delicate, simple or double. The color of the petals is the most diverse - there are monochromatic species, and there are combinations of 3-4 shades. The color of the inflorescences is white, pink-white, raspberry-red, white-dark pink, white-gray-pink, white-purple, raspberry-white, red-burgundy, purple-white, burgundy-black, etc.

Important! In full force, the Turkish carnation blooms only in the second year after planting. In the first year, the plant takes root and grows basal foliage. The leaves are narrow long lanceolate, with a characteristic green-blue tint. The stem is erect, strong, with fine knotting. In height, the Turkish carnation is undersized - up to 14-15 cm in height, and tall - 45-55 cm and even up to 65-70 cm in height.

flower description

Dianthus barbatus is a member of the clove family and loves temperate climates. Unlike Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis), Turkish carnation is a frequent inhabitant of flower beds, front gardens of garden plots.

She, like her Chinese relative, in the first year of life forms only bushes with rosettes of leaves. From the second, it begins to simultaneously throw out flower stalks and additional rosettes of leaves. This allows her to bloom in all its glory up to 4 years. However, flower growers, summer residents, and residents of private houses often grow these cultivated garden varieties as biennials.

Small-sized flowers form umbrellas with lush fragrant bright inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. They are located on each stem. The flowers have 4 bracts with a beard-like shaggy border around the edges. They gave her the name "bearded".

Turkish carnation has a huge variety of colors of single and double flowers. They can be red, crimson, burgundy, pink, white or variegated with different shades, patterns in the form of borders, spots, strokes. Inflorescences with a very delicate aroma resemble large caps on stems with leaves that can also be painted in different colors. Probably, this bright color scheme of the petals is also associated with the ornament on Turkish carpets…

Seedling cultivation

When growing Turkish cloves from seeds, sowing is carried out in March or in the first decade of April. In order to get strong healthy seedlings, the seed must be placed in a previously disinfected substrate. Disinfection is usually carried out using a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate itself must be fertile, often made up of leaf humus and sand.

So, growing Turkish cloves in seedlings.

  • We wash the container for seedlings with hot water, lay out a drainage layer on the bottom, and a moistened substrate on top.
  • We sow the seeds, laying them to a depth of about 1 cm. At the same time, the distance between them should be 2-3 cm.
  • We cover the container with loose paper and keep it at a temperature of +16..18°C. Moisten the substrate periodically.
  • When shoots appear, we transfer the container to a well-lit place and lower the temperature by a couple of degrees.

    Note! If the air temperature is high, then the seedlings can stretch out a lot!

  • As soon as a couple of true leaves appear on the seedlings, we dive them into separate peat cups. We use the same soil mixture.

A couple of weeks before transplanting cloves into open ground, it is necessary to begin the hardening procedure. Every day we take out young plants to fresh air, daily increasing the exposure time. After two weeks, the seedlings should completely get used to the new environment. It is desirable that by this time they spend the night with an open window.

Sowing in open ground

To begin with, it is worth figuring out when to plant Turkish cloves in open ground. They do this in the third or fourth decade of May, when the threat of night frosts has passed, and the soil and air have warmed up sufficiently.

On a note! Sowing seeds in open ground can also be done in the fall - in October, but remember that the seed in this case, like the soil, must certainly be dry. After sowing, the site is insulated with sawdust or peat. In the spring, the mulch layer is removed.

Sow seeds preferably in a sunny area. The most preferred are places with sandy or loamy soil. A couple of weeks before sowing, the bed is dug up to a depth of about 20 cm and a mixture of compost and wood ash is added - for each square meter, about 7 kg of organic matter and 250 g of ash. In parallel, you can fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants - about a tablespoon per square meter. We cover the prepared area with polyethylene and leave for 10-15 days.

We proceed directly to the planting of Turkish carnations:

  • We make shallow grooves in the soil, leaving a distance of 15 cm between them. Spill them well with water.
  • We put seeds in each groove. Do not forget to leave between them 2-3 cm.
  • Sprinkle the substrate on top and slightly compact the soil. From above, we cover the crops with woven material.
  • When the first shoots appear, remove the cover.

Cultivation and care

Which Turkish carnation needs care during the growing process so that the plant blooms luxuriantly and brightly? Growing a Turkish carnation is not difficult even for the most inexperienced flower growers. First of all, caring for Turkish cloves consists in regular weeding. The bushes of this plant are very tender, and weed grass can easily drown them out. Simultaneously with weeding, the soil around the roots should be loosened to ensure oxygen access to them.


This flower does not like too much watering. It is enough to water the bushes in dry weather twice a week. Watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening. Only 12-15 liters of water should be spent per square of the site - this amount of moisture is quite enough for a flower. No need to be zealous with watering, as the roots of the carnation are subject to various rots. When watering, do not water the plants from above. Watering should be done only under the root of the scattered jet.

top dressing

How to grow luxuriously flowering perennial Turkish carnation bushes? They need to be fertilized properly. Although some flower growers believe that this plant does not need top dressing at all, Turkish cloves must be fertilized. You can feed the flowers with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. The first dressing is applied under the bushes when they reach a height of about 12 cm. The second time it is necessary to fertilize the plants during the formation of buds. Garden perennial carnation also needs autumn top dressing. If the carnation lacks nutrients, it will not bloom well. Turkish carnation in cultivation is not the most capricious flower, and if you follow agricultural technology, then this plant will surely delight you with abundant and colorful flowering.

plant after flowering

After flowering, caring for the plant is very simple. The bushes just need to be cut off. Cut the bushes almost flush with the ground. After pruning, the plants are watered, weeded, loosened the ground around them. In a month, the bushes will give new shoots, which can even bloom by autumn.

Preparing for winter

This plant is cold hardy. But, despite the resistance of the carnation to the cold, it is still worth covering for the winter. You can cover the bushes with spruce branches, cover with peat mixture. In the spring, when the snow melts, the bushes should not be opened immediately, since in the spring there is a great threat of severe frosts. When the plant grows in spring, the covering material is removed, and the young shoots are shaded. This plant does not tolerate excess moisture very well, so in winter, if too much snow falls, it is better to remove it. So in the spring there will be no excessively wet soil in a flower bed with Turkish cloves.

Sowing in protected ground, in a greenhouse

  • Choose a well-lit place for seed germination, maintaining the temperature there at least 13 degrees.
  • To accelerate growth, cover the bed with glass or film.
  • Sprouts appear together, about 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  • When the seedlings grow up, do not forget to thin them out or plant them in another bed.
  • Before transferring the seedlings to the garden, feed them with nitrogen fertilizer - it is used as an anti-stress drug.
  • Carnations can be planted in a flower bed at a distance of 25 cm from each other when the weather is warm.

If you grow seedlings and thus prolong the growing season, you can not cut the flowers, and enjoy flowering this year.

Reproduction by layering

The variety you like can be propagated by layering:

Reproduction by cuttings

They are cut from a stem taken from a plant of the second year of life, planted in loose, moist soil, creating a light shade. After about 3 weeks, the seedlings will begin to grow - this can be determined by the appearance of new leaves. They are transplanted in August. They will bloom next year. If you carry out this operation in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then the cuttings will take root much faster. This method is used if you want to keep your favorite variety.

Turkish carnation is able to reproduce by self-seeding. Of course, there will be much fewer plants, but they will still delight you with magnificent flowering.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

An important rule for the placement of perennials in the open field is to make such combinations of flowers in the flower bed that would not conflict with each other in terms of cultivation and care. A light-loving carnation will be comfortable surrounded by the same admirers of the sun's rays, like herself. In addition, it is desirable that neighboring perennial crops have the same requirements for the type of soil, irrigation, and fertilizer.

Therefore, the combination of carnations in landscape design with such neighbors will be optimal:

  • alpine aster;
  • Carpathian bell;
  • rudbeckia.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

The carnation of the Turkish variety becomes a spectacular border. This feature can be applied in landscape design for the design of flower beds, garden paths, lawns. Low-growing varieties are also suitable for growing on alpine hills. Medium-sized varieties of carnations will harmoniously fit into colorful mixborders.

It is very profitable to make rabatka from plantings of Turkish cloves - this lush plant spreads out with a thick umbrella and hides the soil well under it. Such a flower bed can contain both varieties of the same flower petals, as well as a combination of burgundy, red, pink, purple, white varieties.

To use Turkish carnation in landscape design, it is not necessary to propagate the flower only in open ground. These perennials grow and develop wonderfully in pots and decorative urns that adorn the terraces or porches of your country house.

If you dreamed of stealing your flower garden with an elegant and unpretentious flower, your choice should fall on the Turkish carnation perennial. Growing a plant is not difficult, and the flowers will please their appearance for a long time without frequent transplants.

Diseases and pests

The flower must be looked after, and be sure to fight pests and diseases. This plant is very vulnerable, and it has quite a lot of pests. In early spring, breaking leaves can damage rodents. To prevent mice from nibbling leaves, you should place mousetraps or scatter poisoned grain. In summer, a dangerous pest, the root-knot nematode, very often attacks the plant. If you notice deformed foliage, dull color of leaves, swollen petioles, then the root-knot nematode has begun its “work”. The only way to save clove plantings from this pest is to destroy diseased plants and disinfect the soil.

All parts of the plant can be affected by the dangerous fungal disease Fusarium. Signs of this disease are wilting of stems, dying off of parts of plants. Fusarium bushes can become infected with organic fertilizers, for example, through manure. This disease is not treatable, and flower growers sometimes have to destroy entire flower beds. As a preventive measure, the appearance of fusarium should be disinfected three times a summer in the soil in a flower bed with a weak solution of manganese. Very often, flowers suffer from rust. If you notice swollen yellowish pads on the leaves, then the plants are affected by rust. You can get rid of rust by treating the soil with hom. Carnations are constantly attacked by insect pests.

One of the most dangerous pests is the mountain elephant. The insect gnaws holes in the leaves of plants. Another carnation can be attacked by a spider mite that drinks juice from foliage. The best ecological way to get rid of these pests is onion skins. 100 g of dry husks are brewed in 5 liters of boiling water and insisted for three days. Plants are sprayed with infusion three times with an interval of five days. The unpretentious oriental beauty takes pride of place in our gardens and city flower beds. Beginners and already experienced flower growers are happy to grow this flower, which can be the main decoration of any summer garden. The main qualities for which the oriental beauty is so highly valued is a huge palette of the brightest colors and rich color of inflorescences.

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