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Different color of eyes in humans. People with different eyes. Features of two-tone eyes

Most often, we pay attention to the eyes when we meet someone. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul. And, of course, we immediately notice their color. Unusual, bright iris shades always attract attention. We are used to the fact that the left and right eyes are the same color. But it happens that they are different, for example, brown and green.

Our iris has several basic colors: brown, gray, light blue, blue, green, black, olive, amber (hazel). The most common eye color on earth is brown, since it is carried by representatives of two large races that make up the main population of the planet - the Negroid and Mongoloid. The rarest color of the iris is green, found in only 2% of the inhabitants of the Earth. There are also variations such as turquoise or emerald. But there is another rare category of people who have eyes of different colors. These can be such options: blue and brown, green and gray, and others. This anomaly is called heterochromia, and it occurs in only 1% of the population.

What is eye heterochromia?

Heterochromia is a different color of the iris in the left and right eyes, or an inhomogeneous color of areas of the iris in one of them. Its tone is determined by the concentration and distribution of melanin in the anterior (mesodermal) layer. In the case of eye heterochromia, this pigment is either not enough, or, conversely, it is present in excess. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is a congenital anomaly, and only sometimes (for example, in case of cataract disease, trauma to the organs of vision, hemorrhage in the tissue of the organs of vision, Fuchs syndrome and for other reasons) the pigmentation of melanin may be disturbed. Acquired heterochromia can be corrected with surgery, but congenital heterochromia cannot be cured. This disease also has various forms.

Types of eye heterochromia in humans

This pigmentation disorder also has several varieties that differ visually, and also have different causes and consequences.

Complete heterochromia

The most common type is when a person has two uniformly colored irises of different colors. The most common variations are a combination of hazel and green, hazel and blue. This is a congenital feature that does not pose a threat to the organs of vision. With her, a person sees as well as people with the same color eyes.

Sector heterochromia (partial)

It is caused by staining one of the eyes in different tones. With this form of iris heterochromia, there can be as many options as you like: in half, in quarters, there are wavy borders (a rare case). This is due to the uneven distribution of melanin during the formation of color in the first six months of life.

Central heterochromia

With this deviation, several clearly pronounced rings of different colors can be distinguished. It looks pretty original, and some do not even suspect that they have a rare iris pigmentation abnormality, proud of their unusual eyes.

Metallic heterochromia

A rare species caused by mechanical damage. It occurs when metal particles (bronze, copper) get into the upper layer of the iris or sclera. Such a foreign body several microns in size is insensitive to the eye. Over time, the iron element, being in a humid environment, begins to oxidize and leads to the formation of a pigment, usually a rusty green or light green hue. Even when the scale is removed, the phenomenon does not disappear. Usually this type of anomaly occurs in people associated with the production of metals.

Heterochromia in animals

Almost all fauna, except for birds and reptiles, is subject to this unusual phenomenon. Among domestic animals, it is found in black or white cats, in dogs only of certain breeds, for example, huskies or malamutes. Unlike heterochromia in humans, animals have only one type of this disorder - complete, sector or central absent.

How can heterochromia threaten eye health?

The amount of melanin in the iris, of course, cannot in any way affect the quality of vision. But there are times when the change in pigmentation is caused by any disease, for example, Fuchs syndrome (which can lead to the development of cataracts or glaucoma), siderosis or chalcosis (ingestion of copper salts in the iris). If you notice a change in its color, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to find out the reasons. This fact suggests that some kind of violation has occurred in the body's work, and this is only an indicator. With congenital heterochromia, nothing threatens the eyes.

Heterochromia of Human Eyes: How to Treat?

Let's say right away that if this anomaly is congenital, then it cannot be treated and corrected. With the help of the operation, it is possible to get rid of only the defect acquired due to some reason. In all other cases, there is a high probability that the color of the iris will be restored to you, but this, again, depends on the reason. With the above-mentioned metallic heterochromia, it will no longer be possible to correct it. Despite this, many people find such a feature even piquant and pride themselves on being different from the rest. Central heterochromia or sectorial looks especially unusual and interesting.

Many celebrities are also not shy about heterochromia. For example, Mila Kunis, Mila Jovovich, Demi Moore and other famous Hollywood stars have eyes of different colors and believe that this unusual fact to some extent even contributed to their popularity, attracting attention. For filming, they use means of contact vision correction, and the rest of the time they feel great.

Contact lenses for the correction of heterochromia

The easiest and safest method to correct this violation is to use modern decorative optics for this. Ophthalmic product manufacturers offer a huge range of contact tinted and colored lenses that can be used to hide this defect. Some people with complete heterochromia (for example, one eye is blue and the other brown) buy models of the desired colors and change the iris the way they want it. If, at the same time, a person has myopia or farsightedness, then he can purchase lenses with the appropriate diopters. If you have good vision, you can simply select the 0.00 option with zero power.

So, heterochromia - a congenital pigmentation disorder of the iris - does not threaten any health consequences if it is not the result of any internal diseases or mechanical damage. People with this ailment themselves have different attitudes towards it. Someone considers this a piquant feature and does not hide it, someone wears decorative lenses to hide different eyes. But congenital heterochromia of the iris membrane can be called rather a rare, unique gift from nature. Many people born with her are gifted, creative individuals, and the example above proves this.

Heterochromia is when a person has different eye colors. The difference in eye color in humans is caused by an excess or lack of pigment - melanin. This rare phenomenon occurs not only in humans, but also in animals such as cats. A long time ago, people with different eye colors were considered children of the devil, witches, that is, people associated with witchcraft or black magic. They caused fear in ordinary people, but it is now known that different eye colors are not tricks of supernatural power.

There are two types of heterochromia: the first is complete heterochromia and the second is partial heterochromia. With complete heterochromia, the color of one iris is completely different from the color of the other. With partial heterochromia in a person, one part of the iris (eye) differs from the rest of the iris, that is, one eye has two colors. Most often, complete heterochromia occurs in humans, less often partial, in about 4 people out of 1 million. ,

Heterochromia is a mutation that occurs after the fertilization of an egg. But you should not be afraid of heterochromia. It does not in any way affect the health of a person who has different eye colors. A person with heterochromia sees and perceives colors in the same way as an ordinary person, but only he has his own individual flavor. By the way, heterochromia is more common in women than among the stronger sex. It also happens that heterochromia becomes acquired. Due to an injury or illness (Hirschsprung's disease, Waardenburg syndrome), a person acquires a unique phenomenon.

ICD-10 ICD-9 OMIM Not to be confused with Heterochromatin. Not to be confused with Heterochrony.

Heterochromia(from the Greek ἕτερος - "different", "different", χρῶμα - color) - different colors of the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal color of different parts of the iris of one eye. It is the result of a relative excess or lack of melanin (pigment). Also, heterochromia means a different color of the skin or hair.

Eye color, that is, the color of the irises, is determined primarily by the concentration and distribution of melanin. The eye affected by heterochromia may be hyperpigmented or hypopigmented.

In newborn babies, eye color is often brighter than usual. Almost always, the eye dulls with age. But sometimes it can retain color depth. This is a rare occurrence, but is more common with complete heterochromia, although the chances of this phenomenon are still small.

Classification and causes of occurrence

Heterochromia is classified primarily as genetic or acquired. Although a distinction is often made between eye heterochromia: complete(Greek heterochromia iridis) and partial... At complete heterochromia the color of one iris is different from the color of the other. At partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia the color of one part of the iris is different from the color of the rest.

Congenital heterochromia

As a rule, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

  • Simple heterochromia is a phenomenon characterized by the absence of other ocular or systemic problems. Abnormally light eyes are commonly considered iris hypoplasia. It can manifest itself both completely and partially.
  • Waardenburg syndrome
  • Horner's Syndrome
  • Piebaldism - the presence of congenital white spots, completely devoid of melanocytes, on the skin of the limbs, face and some other parts of the body; inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and is caused by various mutations
  • Hirschsprung's disease
  • Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome
  • Parry-Romberg disease (Romberg syndrome)

Acquired heterochromia

It is usually acquired from trauma, inflammation, swelling, or the use of certain eye drops.

Abnormal darkening of the iris

  • Corneal iron deposits - Siderosis(iron deposition in the tissues of the eye) and hemosiderosis
  • Certain eye drops that are used externally to reduce intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma. Occurs due to stimulation of melanin synthesis in the iris
  • Tumor
  • Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome

Abnormal lightening of the iris

  • Fuchs' heterochromic iridocyclitis - as a result of intraocular inflammation, atrophy of the iris occurs and heterochromia characteristic of this state occurs
  • Horner's syndrome - usually acquired due to neuroblastoma, but it can also be congenital
  • Melanoma can also cause lightening of the iris.

In addition, heterochromia can be caused by Stilling-Türk-Duane syndrome, mosaicism, uveitis, juvenile xanthogranuloma, leukemia and lymphoma.

Heterochromia in animals

Complete heterochromia

Odd-eyed black cat

Heterochromia is more common in animals than in humans. It usually results in blue color in one eye.

Eyes of different colors can be found in completely white cats or in cats with a high percentage of white in color, especially in breeds such as the Van cat and the Turkish Angora. Cats with different colored eyes are called odd-eyed. In odd-eyed cats, one eye is orange, yellow or green, and the other eye is blue.

According to legend, the beloved cat of the Prophet Muhammad - Muizza had eyes of different colors.

In domestic dogs, heterochromia is common in the Siberian Husky breed.

Horses with complete heterochromia usually have one brown eye and the other white, gray, or blue eyes. Complete heterochromia is most common in piebald horses. It is also found among cows and Asian buffaloes.

Sector heterochromia

Sector heterochromia is common in Australian Shepherd, Husky and Border Collie breeds.

Known cases of heterochromia

Kate Bosworth, Tim McIlroth, Mila Kunis, Alice Eve have heterochromia.

Among the literary examples of heterochromia are the books "Magicians Can Do Anything" (all magicians with innate abilities have eyes of different colors), "Four Tankmen and a Dog" (in the book, different eyes for the tank commander Vasily Semyonov), "White Guard" (Lieutenant Viktor Myshlaevsky) and The Master and Margarita (Woland) by Mikhail Bulgakov. In the literary series Ethnogenesis, heterochromia is used as an indicator of the wearing of a particular magical artifact by the heroes.

Many characters in computer games, cartoons and anime have heterochromia.


Different eye color

Eye color depends on the blood circulation in the vessels of the iris and the amount of pigment it contains. This diaphragm, thin with a pupil, is located in front of the lens and behind the cornea. The color of the pigment may indicate a disease in the body. For example, in liver disease, the iris becomes yellow or brown. The natural color of pigments depends on genes and race. It can also be a characteristic feature of any nationality. There are only three pigment colors. It is brown, blue and yellow. The mixing of these pigments in the blood vessels determines the color of the eyes. For example, mixing blue and yellow produces a green color scheme.

Different eye color

Sometimes there is an excess or lack of melanin in the iris. Then a phenomenon called heterochromia is possible, the manifestation of which is a different color of the eyes. This condition occurs in both humans and animals. Most often, the color of one eye is brown, and the other is blue. But still, each person has his own, unique form of heterochromia. Such people look mysterious and unusual, standing out from the crowd.

Heterochromia happens:

1. Complete when the colors of the irises of the eyes are different.

2. Partial, in which one pupil combines two colors.

Eyes of different colors in cats are no longer surprising. This phenomenon is familiar to us. Eyes of different colors are much less common in humans. Heterochromia can be congenital, resulting from an excess or lack of melanin. But there is also an acquired condition as a result of trauma, in people with tumors or glaucoma.

From a psychological point of view, people with different eye colors are considered extraordinary, unpredictable and fearless. However, they have a pronounced egocentrism. Demanding a lot of attention to their personality, they like to be alone with themselves. As a result, they have a very narrow circle of close people.

Women with different eye colors always strive for excellence. They love to enjoy their appearance, considering it perfect. Possessing a delicate taste, they are fond of poetry, music, dancing and are great optimists.

People with different eye colors lead a measured lifestyle. Bright events are rare for them. But this is not upsetting. Thanks to their inexhaustible imagination and wonderful organizational skills, they can always arrange a holiday for themselves.

Women with different eye colors are always looking for their own unique and unique. And only with him will they be wise and wonderful housewives, creating such comfort and coziness in the house that the husband can only be envied. But at the same time, these women will never forget to carefully monitor their appearance.

In such ladies, by nature, an addiction to alcohol is inherent. But by virtue of their wisdom, they can easily defeat this craving. But having tried smoking, they are unlikely to be able to quit.

When communicating with people with different eye colors, do not forget that they are very capricious and stubborn. It is unlikely that you will be able to emerge victorious in a dispute with them. They may even be rude in their desire to prove their case.

In dealing with such people, you must carefully choose your words. They will quickly forgive, but the resentment will persist for a long time.

Heterochromia should not be perceived as a disease or mutation. Different eye colors do not affect health in any way. A person with heterochromia perceives the colors of the surrounding world absolutely normally and sees as an ordinary person.

Interesting and explainable: a person with different eye colors

First of all, it should be noted that a similar phenomenon occurs in the animal world by an order of magnitude more often than in the human world. For example, among cats of the Persian breed, a different eye color is considered a very common sign (usually one is bright orange, and the other is blue, which looks very unusual). A person with different eye colors can rightfully be proud of his peculiarity, because if you believe the research, the character of such individuals is unpredictable and impetuosity. Often such people are fearless, they like to surprise and make an impression. Of the shortcomings, one can note the hypertrophied Ego: "disagreements" are often fixated on themselves. They simply cannot live if those around them do not pay enough attention to their person. If your new acquaintance is a person with different eye colors, you can be sure: he loves loneliness and prefers to spend his free time with a narrow circle of close friends. Perhaps from the outside he looks stubborn and capricious, but as soon as you get to know him better, then make sure that this is not at all the case.

Women with multi-colored eyes

According to statistical studies, girls with different colored eyes tend to be overweight. However, this does not prevent them from treating themselves with reverence: "disagreements" love themselves and are determined to get maximum pleasure from life. They love parties and entertainment and never miss an opportunity to shine. Another positive quality of them is patience. A woman with multi-colored eyes, most likely, will not complain about life for a long time and tediously; she will prefer to do everything to resolve the unpleasant situation. Most of them are creative people. Whatever they put their hand to is fruitful. They sing, dance, draw, sew, knit - in all such areas, "disagreement" will be successful.


A person with different eye colors is more likely to be fickle in love. However, this only lasts until he meets his other half. Once this happens, your acquaintance will change so dramatically that it will be difficult to recognize him. From this moment on, he will live only for the sake of his beloved being and will do everything to surround him with care and attention, to make his life as comfortable as possible.

Relationship with parents

If a child has eyes of different colors, you can rejoice: according to statistics, people with multi-colored eyes treat their parents very warmly, never conflict with them, spend time with their family with pleasure. They are touchy, but easily forgive and never conceal resentment.

Causes of the phenomenon

Probably every person with a different eye color wants to know about the reasons for their "peculiarity". By and large, there are two of them: the phenomenon can be congenital (and can be explained by genetics) and acquired (this indicates changes in the body, most often unhealthy).


Any ophthalmologist will answer the question of what the different eye color is called: heterochrony. In most cases, it is caused by an excess or lack of melanin and accompanies diseases such as glaucoma or even a benign tumor. In addition, changes in eye pigmentation can be a reaction to medication.

Why do people have two different colored eyes?

I have seen people who have one green eye and the other yellow green, etc. why does this happen ??


Heterochromia of the iris (heterochromia; hetero- + Greek. Chroma color, color; syn. Heterophthalmos) - different color of the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal color of different parts of the iris of one eye.
People with different colored eyes are called mosaics.
The different color is explained by the mutation of the embryo after fertilization of the egg. That is, a mutation in the blastula even before the formation of the endoderm. The earlier the mutation occurs, the more clearly it appears in appearance.
The owner of eyes of different colors has nothing to fear - this does not mean any disease. This is just a play of nature. Although this phenomenon is quite rare in some people and animals, eyes of different colors are found. Despite the apparent asymmetry of the face caused by different eye color, such animals and people may have features that distinguish them from other individuals, but with eyes of the same color.
Recently it was noticed that people and animals with such a multi-colored combination of the iris of the eyes have a certain "magical power" to attract the opposite sex of their species. For example, "odd-eyed" cats very easily get the attention of the person they are interested in. As for people, many who are familiar with disagreements noted that they have some kind of "zest" and charm.
So, those who were born with multi-colored eyes should not despair, but use their natural external charm for their own purposes to achieve success in business and in personal life.
And here's a specific example - David Bowie.

If a person has different eyes?

* Kisunya *

"Heterochromia of the iris (heterochromia; heterochromia + Greek chroma color, color; syn. Heterophthalmos) is a different color of the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal coloration of different parts of the iris of one eye. People who have eyes of different colors are called mosaics.

It is the result of a relative excess or lack of melanin (pigment). Partial or sector heterochromia is less common than complete heterochromia, less than 4: 1,000,000.

The different color is explained by the mutation of the embryo after fertilization of the egg. That is, a mutation in the blastula even before the formation of the endoderm. The earlier the mutation occurs, the more clearly it appears in appearance. The owner of eyes of different colors has nothing to fear - this does not mean any disease. This is just a play of nature. Although this phenomenon is quite rare in some people and animals, eyes of different colors are found. Despite the apparent asymmetry of the face caused by different eye color, such animals and people may have features that distinguish them from other individuals, but with eyes of the same color. For example, it is noticed that "odd-eyed" cats very easily achieve the attention of the person of interest to them. As for people, many who are familiar with disagreements noted that they have some kind of "zest" and charm. "

Sometimes there are interesting people who have eyes of different colors. They usually have one eye lighter than the other. This interesting phenomenon is called heterochromia.

This disease is rare, but it does occur nonetheless. In such cases, part of the iris of the eye acquires a shade of a different color. This personality is not very common. Therefore, a person with eyes of different colors stands out from the general mass of people. This is a rather unusual phenomenon.

In ancient times, the difference in the color of the eyes in humans, aroused genuine interest in others. They were considered sorcerers and witches. It is known that according to legend, the devil had different eyes - one blue and the other black. In this regard, the people who believe in superstition were afraid of people with multi-colored eyes. In the modern world, it is still believed that a person with heterochromia has an unkind eye. But, no matter how people around them treat people with multi-colored eyes - such people are original and have a non-standard appearance.

Eye color can vary due to various factors. Iritis, inflammation of the iris of the eye, iridocyclide, glaucoma and trauma, tumors, as well as other disorders, contribute to a change in the color of the iris. Sometimes the lining of the eye can change color due to stress or hormonal imbalances. Also, due to the intake of a number of medications, changes in the color of the iris are possible.

So, in the treatment of glaucoma, drugs are used that lower intraocular pressure. Because of these drugs, the membrane of the iris darkens. Often two eyes darken at once. For example, blue eyes turn gray. In this case, heterochromia leads to a radical change in the color of the iris. This disease can be hereditary. With all this, such changes in the color of the iris of the eye do not affect visual acuity. The disease of heterochromia has only an external manifestation. No other symptomatology was identified. But sometimes complications are possible - cataracts.

There are such forms of cataracts for diseases of different eyes:

  • pathological congenital heterochromia - paresis of the cervical sympathetic nerve;
  • simple form;
  • Fuchs disease;
  • complications caused by chalcosis or siderosis.

The degree of threat of heterochromia

Doctors concluded that a decrease or increase in the rate of melanin changes the color of the eyes.

  • With a trophic congenital disorder, the pigment is produced in the wrong amount, and if there are organic or physical changes in the nervous system in the body, then this disease is activated.
  • As a result of uveitis, the color may also change.
  • With a simple form of heterochromia, the changes can be overlooked.
  • Horner's syndrome appears due to paresis of the cervical nerve. In this case, significant deviations occur. Fuchs' type disease causes clouding of the vitreous humor and the iris of the eye collapses.
  • Heterochromia with sederosis (caused by iron dust) or chalcosis (when copper salt gets into the eyes) is expressed by the presence of bright pigmentation. After removing the foreign particle from the eye, the color of the iris takes on the original color.
  • If heterochromia is caused by congenital abnormalities, the eyes remain colorful for life.

What should be the norm of eye color

The pattern and color of the iris is an individual characteristic. By such personalities, it is easy to recognize a specific person, for example, by fingerprints. The same eye color is considered the norm. With the passage of age, the iris of the eye dulls and loses its luster. The color of the iris can also change with age. These changes are happening with both eyes at the same time. This is how the natural aging process of the body takes place. But, when color changes are noticeable in the area of ​​the eye, this indicates the presence of a disease. If the color of the iris changes, then you need to immediately visit a doctor.

A person with different eye colors - stands out from the crowd, doesn't it? This phenomenon looks extremely interesting and extravagant. What is it called when a person has different eyes? What is it called when a person has both eyes of different colors? Is it a disease or a specific feature? How did you deal with such individuals in ancient times?

Such a "miracle of nature" when one person completely or partially has a different eye color is called heterochromia. Unfortunately, in most cases, the presence of a different eye color signals a disease progressing inside a person.

Heterochromia - different eye color: disease or personality

As mentioned earlier, in 99% of cases, multi-colored eyes signal the undermined human health. As a rule, this feature is known from childhood and is caused by a lack of melanin. The hormone responsible for the pigmentation of our body - hair, skin and iris. In milder cases, only the irises are affected, and partially. In neglected ones - the color of the eyes is radically different. This, as a rule, is accompanied by a violation of the pigmentation of the skin and hair.

Multi-colored eyes in humans can also be an acquired "effect": in the event of a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, hormonal disruption, diseases associated with a violation and partial dysfunction of the optic nerve.

Eye color changes - I'm sick

No, not always a change in the color of the eyes or one of them is associated with an increase in the disease. Changes in tone are quite possible with changes in lighting, seasons, or, simply, as the body matures.

In animals, different eye colors are more common. The reasons for the appearance are almost identical with the "human" ones.

It is extremely common to notice changes in eye color in girls during menstruation. Also, in the female sex, discrepancies in tone can be noted during shedding of tears. As soon as the work of the lacrimal glands is activated, the color of the eyes becomes more saturated.

How people with different eye colors were called in ancient times

In ancient times, people with different eye colors were considered magicians and sorcerers. It was believed that only a select few could receive such a "label" from above. Such people were wary and even feared.

Of course, no one "undertook" to fight such individuals. They avoided eye contact in every possible way, did not use foul language in the direction of the "multi-colored" in his presence.

History has not recorded any mass disturbances or terrible incidents associated with the presence of different eye colors. Over time, everything fell into place. Medicine flourished and research was done.

Now - a person with different eye colors is not a magician and a wizard, but just a special person with some "interestingness".

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