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The main heroes of the work of Leskov Old Genius. Old genius. Main characters and their characteristics

To his story "Old genius", the writer selects a very interesting epigraph: "The genius has no one - he overcomes everything that stops ordinary minds." And as you know, the epigraph reflects the main idea, sometimes the goal of the story.

So, the story is conducted on behalf of a narrator who is not a direct participant of events. In the first chapter Tell me sad and at the same time ironic history of good old woman. It all started with the fact that she, on the kindness of the soulful, helped out of the misfortune of France from the misfortune, having laid all his property for him, namely a small house. Of course, Frant ordered to pay a short time in Saama. It seemed that this person could not be believed: he belonged to a good surname, was formed and earned well. Then the young man went to St. Petersburg ... and was such. The old woman wrote his letters, first kindly, then, with persistent requests, and, in the end, just scolded him. There was a little sense from this, the debtor still did not respond to these letters. The period of meanwhile is suitable, and the old woman who wanted to live his old age in prosperity, can live the rest of his life in poverty, with an incompetent daughter and young granddaughter. Of course, the poor old woman did not want it! Therefore, leaving a daughter with her granddaughter, and herself went to Peter "Cold"

Second chapter He tells us about the success of the judicial effect on the so-called "generous fart", the lawyer was successfully, and the judge made a fair decision. Everything would end well, if it were not for one snag: it was impossible to punish him, he had such a relationship that no one dare to do this. Not that they did not want, but could not. N.S. Leskov does not say exactly what it was for "kinship", and what "punishment" wanted to teach over him. To whom the old woman would treat, all in one voice said: Throw this thing, this person never pays no one. But the old woman decided not to give up, or because of her simplicity, she was still something, she believed that her debtor was obliged to divide his wealth so that you were fine. The townspeople sincerely do not understand her, think that everything should be. But they are right that "who has" a lot of ", the neither does not happen much, and they are always not enough ...". Residents of the city even say that the debtor can create some kind of "troubles" with his grandmother, if she will bother him. They just advised her to go to the highest. Thus, in this chapter, the grandmother does not understand the Petersburgers at all, and Petersburgers are a grandmother.

In the third chapter The old woman went to the highest, explaining this by the fact that "there and the access is more difficult and the conversation is less, and even distracting." But here the old woman was waiting for disappointment again, and the readers are new unexpected turn: The debtor does not live at all in his house, in general, no one really knows where it is located. It turns out that even his own wife complains about him, but, nevertheless, no live soul can arrest or punish him. So and the highest old woman did not succeed, those openly declared her that this was the case in her interests, which means to find it she should herself. But when she finds out it, then you can talk about punishment. The desperate old woman even tried to give bribes, but everything was unsuccessfully. But one day there was hope, to the capture of her debtor. One official with whom the old woman lies in the Mariinsky Passage, offered her to catch the thief in just five hundred rubles. This man turned out to be very curious, to the question of the old woman, what is his rank and who he is, the man replied: "It says, in our society to tell quite superfluous and not accepted; Call me Ivan Ivanovich, and the rank on me from the fourteen sheepin, which I want, that top of the coat and tranque. " Should I trust the latest money to such a person? This thought did not leave the old woman, but as an official with his curious speeches inspired confidence, the poor granny trusted him.

In the fourth chapter The position of the old woman is inexorable worsening. In the pretentious state, right under Christmas, it resortes to the hero of the storyteller. The house is already on sale, and the other day she met her debtor on the street with some lady, caught up with him, grabbed his hand and screamed on the whole street with tears in his eyes "He should!". But as a result, she achieved only that she was accused of violating silence and public order. What made the old woman needed and injustice! And the most terrible was that Frant got a vacation abroad, where, along with the lady of the heart, they will go to an indefinite amount of time. The old woman was so important this debt that she arranged a surveillance for every step of the debtor and, undoubtedly, knew all his plans. And Granny decisively turned to a man with a "rank of Fourteen Ovchin", giving the cherished five hundred rubles, part of which she took from the storyteller. The hero, of course, lens to her, explaining what "I knew her for a woman of excellent honesty, and her grief is such a touching ..." The fourth chapter ends with intrigue, the narrator declares: what happened next, surpasses all his expectations.

In the fifth and last chapter The old woman visits the storyteller on the third day of Christmas, and the first thing that she does - throws the promised money on the table and the card with a fifteen thousand translated on it. The narrator, in full shock and, without believing his eyes, begins to ask Granny about everything that happened to her. That the most mysterious Ivan Ivanovich undertook to work with the words: "Now, Mrs. will go. I, Says, the genius on my thought, but I need the performer of my plan, because I myself can not produce a mysterious stranger and produce legal actions. " For a long time they went to all sorts of places, I was looking for some "Serbian Frame", found. Then Ivan Ivanovich, Granny and this "Frame" sat in the restaurant agreed on the price. The fee was as follows: "In stu rubles for a month, for three months." Then heroes went to spend the night: Granny and Ivan Ivanovich together, and the "Frame" was sent to the bath. In the next morning, they met again, and first of all sent the "Frame" behind Vodka: they say, for courage. The old woman understood little that was happening, but trusted Ivanchu, on that and was calm. Let's go all three to the station railwayWhere looked was to leave the debtor. Wait for a short time: he appeared with his lady. The old woman immediately began to indicate: "Here he is! Here it is!". And here, the Serbian Frame began to act, he began to walk past Frant once, the second, the third, then stopped right in front of him and said: "What do you look at me at me?", To which Frant reacted quite calmly, saying that he Just drinking tea. Then followed by a completely unexpected action: "Frame" twisted the debtor to slapper! And he, and his lady wanted to escape, but the police did not allow it to do, saying: "This can not, it is in a public place." Franch filed a check for fifteen thousand, and that, in order to avoid further complaints, everything was safely signed. So in the soul of the old woman restored peace, and the world justice. And the man who settled this case, in fact, can consider himself a genius.

But he did not hurry to give them away, on the contrary, he did the form that he did not receive those letters in which the woman asked to give him duty. At first, the messages were soft, but due to the fact that the debtor did not answer, became more severe. However, this did not lead to anything.

And on the care of the grandmother there was a sick daughter and a juvenile granddaughter. To give a debt then, the old woman laid his house, and now the family consisting only of women was threatened - they could lose their housing and stay outside. About this tells summary. The "old genius" of the leaks wrote in five chapters, then we go to the second.

Second chapter

From it we learn that the lawyer won the case, and the court decided to return the debt. But on this positive news ended, because the man skillfully hid, and he had a powerful relatives. Therefore, no one wanted to contact him.

Representatives of the law, state people sympathized with grandmother, said that they were sorry for them, but let her better leave this empty venture. The woman sincerely wondered, she knew that he was not poor and could well return duty.

She was explained that he took money not only with her, but they were not used to give them away. Representatives of the law hinted by the staff that he can deliver her trouble if she can't count. They said that she was quietly walking quietly along the Nevsky Prospect or go home. But she believed that the debtor was good manJust he "climbed."

A woman was told that she could go with her business to the highest bosses. She did it. About this also tells a summary. "Old genius" - Leskov called this intelligent person. Who, you will learn about it later.

Third Head

It begins with the fact that the unclear woman went to the highest boss, only this positive results did not lead. There she was answered that they did not know where wanted. The old woman told, in which man can be a house, she was objected to her, answering that this was his wife's house, and she did not answer for debts, and he did not live there.

Elderly woman did not know what to do. Then she began to hint that would give one or even three thousand rubles as a sign of gratitude, when the debtor would find. But it did not help.

In this chapter, we learn about one of the main characters of the story, which for the time being, remained in the shadows. A brief content will also tell about him. "Old genius" - Leskov called this person so this person, and why - it will soon become clear.

The woman told the interlocutor, on behalf of which the story is being conducted, that one person takes care. That Ivan Ivanovich was called and assured that for 500 rubles will be able to take duty. The old woman decided to think, but it was impossible to postpone no longer, and why, on this then writes in his work of fishing racks ("old genius"). A summary will report this immediately.

Chapter fourth

Her storyteller begins with the fact that the old woman came to him. She was saddown with the news that Christmas is nearing, and the house laid should soon be sold. Another elderly woman told that he saw the debtor who walked under his arm with a woman. The old woman hurried after a couple, began to shout that the man should. However, no one helped her, on the contrary, she was told that it was impossible to shout in a crowded place. So far, a man with a companion went away.

But the elderly woman managed to find out that tomorrow this France with a rich lady is serving abroad, most likely forever. Therefore, it was necessary to act immediately.

It turns out that she has already met Ivan Ivanovich, gave him a deposit of 100 rubles and promised to bring 400 more. But the old woman did not have. It had only 250 rubles, and 150 asked for a storyteller, saying that they would surely return them.

He was also a good man, thought that even if a woman could not give this money, he would not fit it. That was the leaks itself. "Old genius" (the content of this story in brief presentation You are reading now) goes to the next episode.

This chapter ends with the fact that the narrator, giving money, began to expect the erosion of events. What ended the case, then leads a summary. The "Old Genius" wrote on the chapters, the presentation in the reduction adheres to the same structure.

Chapter 5, Final

She walked the third day of christmas holidays. The old woman, as the author says, "flew" to him in a road dress immediately gave 150 rubles, and then showed a check by 15 thousand. The narrator realized that everything ended well, but wanted to know the details.

The woman told that she met Ivan Ivanovich, he said that he had to go to look for the "Serbian Frame". So the author talks about a person who participant in Serbia's wars with Turkey. Not immediately, but they found this man, then everyone discussed.

The next morning, the Trinity went to the station, from which the debtor was serving abroad. The old woman pointed out Ivan Ivanovich on the one who was the cause of her troubles, they hid, and the former military was released on the stage of theatrical action.

He several times slowly passed by the debtor who had dodged tea, and then asked Surgovo about why he was looking at him. The warrior provoked a scandal, hit France. Police approached them. After finding out the personalities, the policeman showed the paper, due to which the debtor could not go abroad. It was a court decision. That soon paid debt with interest. This is how this story ended well.

Leskov, "Old Genius": Story Heroes (Positive)

There are several of them. Of course, this is persistent and bold old woman who went to Peter to save herself, daughter and granddaughter. Otherwise, they would lose at home. The narrator is also a hero of the work, since without his 150 rubles, it is unlikely that it would be so good. Smart Ivan Ivanovich, who led the nickname "Genius", "Serbian Frame" - too positive heroes story.

The story of "Old Genius" was written by Leskov in 1984, printed in the journal "Shalkovka" for 1884 (No. 4 and 5) and reprinted in the collection of "Saty Stories". An unexpectedly prosperous outcome of the case and the pepperlnaya kindness of the heroine make a story with a typical christmas.

Literary direction and genre

Leskov - Writer of realistic direction. The story is written in the canons of this genre. The author expresses its attitude towards heroes and events that happens in a short period of time. The story is important psychology of heroes and social reasons for their actions.

At the same time, the story is dynamic, which is peculiar to the novel, consists of 5 tiny chapters, although it takes 8 pages. The ending of the story is optimistic, completely unexpected and incredible, which also brings him closer with Novella.

Topic and problematics

The topic of the story - as an honest person still can achieve justice in an unfair state.

The story rises the problem of the imperfection of Russian laws and judicial system, the problem of the hypocrisy and the treasury of aristocrats and officials, the problem of a "little man."

Plot and composition

The name of the story is ironic and multival about. The epigraph of the French thinker-Moralist Larancy configure the reader to the story about the elderly man, who decided to have some kind of problem due to his genius. The genius really elderly, but not the age of him matters. The epithet "old" is used rather in the meaning of the "old as a world", and the word "genius" also applies to the involuntary Mr., never returning debts. He is the sage on which "pretty simplicity." But the reader knows about the meaning laid in the sense at the end of the story.

The story is divided into 5 parts. In the first deceived Great Lightening Fart, the old woman goes to demand a debt to St. Petersburg. The second reveals the essence of the judicial system of Russia, its laws. Despite the emergence and favorable court decision, no one "did not bother" to recover from the debtor, having strong patrons. In the third part, the old woman finds a man who claims that "Russia is not impossible" in "Russia" and taking out for 500 rubles (considerable money, because the whole debt was 15 thousand) to solve its problem.

The fourth part describes the vibrations of the old woman, having learned that her debtor leaves for a long time abroad, and afraid to give 500 rubles to unknown genius. The fifth part is an interchange, a story about the intelligent plan of genius, which allowed the debtor to immediately write a check. The image of the Serbian Frame (that is, the participant of the war of Serbia with Turkey) is a symbol of the directness and simplicity, which will defeat the lucavia and dodgy.

The last paragraph of the story clarifies that the author invested in the concept of "old genius".

Heroes and images

The main character is the old man of the landowner, the qualities of which - a cardiac kindness and simplicity - became the reason why the greatness of the greatness of Her Sweatshit.

The old woman is trusting, judges about Frant for what he belongs to one of the best surnames. He is waiting for a brilliant career, he has big income and good salary. The old woman comes generously, having laid down the house and giving 15 thousand to help the St. Petersburg Mother in the name of the old pleasantness with her mother.

The old woman is a widow of the official 14 rank (the lowest in Russia). She owned a small home and her had an embankible daughter and granddaughter. The old woman is decisive and persistent, seeks a safe court decision and continues his hassle.

The old woman never doubts good and justice in the victory of good and justice and is not satisfied with consolations that others are deceived also not to see their money. She is innocent in a biblical sense, wants her to and all others well. The old woman does not believe that her debtor, whose condition makes it easy to return the debt, just does not want to pay, because "he climbed, but a good man."

The old woman in nature is not prone to adventures, but involuntarily turns out to be drawn into a bad story, so it is even attracted to responsibility for the violation of the order in a public place. And yet the heroine is not so simple, as it seems. She bribes servants in the offshore house and knows about all his plans. It was precisely because it was a possible incident at the station.

The heroine is starting to decisive actions and is trusted by genius only after the situation becomes hopeless: the house of the old woman comes on sale, and the debtor with a rich lady leaves abroad, perhaps forever. She is trusted by genius and his intuition, without knowing how to explain the storytellor, why.

Perhaps the old woman believes and Frant, and the genius because her narrator itself characterizes how "Woman beautiful honesty".

Great Lights France - typical representative Petersburg aristocracy. Play money and occupy, not going to give them away - the usual thing for such a person. It is not available for the law, because no one will decide to take a receipt of paper from him. Over the cause of kinship or the property of this Mr.

Mr does not give duty just because they are not used to pay. So fishing explains the nature of the richness of the Russian aristocracy. But Mr. is also dangerous for his own benefactor, because it can make a trouble to someone who will be very bored.

Mr. I hate both the authorities, and the Bimodav, and their own wife. He lives in fear of the leopards, "constantly inspecting on everyone." He is forced to give a debt to the old woman, "To free yourself from obligations about the unseen".

Old genius - "Ancient official", "Desperate Dock"having "Chin of 14 Ovchin", asked for 500 rubles to give the paper to the debtor.

He has no recommendations that he neglects. The old woman appeals to his help from despair. Nevertheless, the genius knows the price, asks for "Ingenious thoughts in their forehead" in 200 rubles, and 300 promit "Executive Hero"which can be held for 3 months in prison to sit.

The old genius is taken for affairs only impossible, his fee is modest (in comparison with 3 thousand who have thrust the old woman to others). He loves his job and his marriage himself.

In the image of the narrator reflects the attitude of the author to the events taking place. The narrator is trying to be objective, narrating the history of the old woman. He doubted the impossibility of fair punishment for the debtor, which is reflected in the words: "About the strength and meaning of these connections I do not know reliably," I don't know how to tell you exactly.

The narrator is a mild and impractical man. He himself does not know how to do business, so the old woman can not give advice, but only sympathizes. He gives her the missing one and a half rubles, not even hoping to get them back, thinking only about helping neighbor.

The story does not indicate how old the old man addressed. The author calls officials "Associated". They accuse the old woman itself: "Why knew with such", "Why did you give him money". Russian law It turns out on the side of the procraphous Mr. The house is not him, but wives, who also complained about him to court. The authorities in one voice claim that they do not defend him that they do not feel sorry for him and they dream of punishing a cunning.

Artistic peculiarity

The story of the story is concise and accurate, even the trails are not a means of decorating speech, but a means of accurate expression of thought. For example, an old woman, receiving 150 rubles from the narrator, "swam to his desperate Deltsu." The narrator accurately describes the movements of the declining woman.

The speech of the heroes and the narrator is replete with proverbs and aphorism: "Which grandmother he has broken and everything is prevailed for mercy"; "Who has a lot, there is never a lot, but not enough"; "He is a good barin, but only a bad pay"; "There is no impossibility in Russia"; "Whoever has no faith has nothing to do"; "Now 500 rubles on the table, and tomorrow your soul is on the square".

The old man of a small growth landowner went to St. Petersburg to deal with the "blatant matter."

The landowner decided to help the "Great Value Frant", having laid the house and giving him the revenue money, having received a promise from the debtor to settle with a debt in the near future. France belonged to one famous name, he had a prospect of a brilliant career, and his service salary and estates were Not bad amounts. In addition, the old woman knew the mother of this France, which influenced her decision to lend him money.

Meanwhile, the debtor disappeared in St. Petersburg and began to play with the old woman in the cat-mouse. Poor grandmother tried to return the debt to buy a house laid. In addition to the old woman, her disabled daughter and granddaughter lived there. She sent letters to Petersburg, but did not show the answer. Soon the date of the mortgage began to approach, which, in case of non-payment, threatened the old woman to stay at old age on the street with his daughter and granddaughter. The old woman left her daughter with her granddaughter on the guardianship of the neighbor, and herself went to St. Petersburg for Fart.

It began all very successful: the court rose on her side, but difficulties arose with the execution of the sentence. The debtor had very influential connections, which gave rise to all sorts of difficulties in the return of debt.

The debtor had to hand over the paper so that he signed on it, but no one could do it. Everyone tried to convince the grandmother to forget about this debt, she did not come alone in such a situation because of him. The landowner did not calm down, and she crushed himself for a long time.

She did not believe that Frant was so bad man, she hoped that he was just twisted, but is a good man.

He headed the oldest instance, where she recommended to find him and catch, then he can handle paper. Even attempt to "agree" with representatives of higher authorities did not lead to anything. However, there was a person who said that he could deliver the judicial notice of Frant for 500 rubles.

The old woman told the interlocutor that her questions about this man were not crowned with success, even when she spoke to him personally. She tried to find out who he was so and what he had chin. But heard in response that it was better for him to tell about it. Its name is Ivan Ivanovich, and he has many ranks as he wants - that will be. Ivan Ivanovich considered himself a genius and offered an old woman a refund plan for 200 rubles and 300 rubles was going to give to the Contractor. The old woman immediately did not dare to use the services of the collector, although she believed him. She decided to wait a little while there is an opportunity. However, there was no time completely left.

On the eve of Christmas, the old woman came to the collector, being very saddened. From the house came the news from the neighbor, that the house is about to be put up for sale. In addition, the old woman was able to catch the debtor, but she was accused of violating order. But the saddest news was tomorrow's departure of the debtor together with his lady outside the country.

These events did not leave the old woman any other exit, except to contact Ivan Ivanovich. She paid 500 rubles to him, of which 150 took the author. The author believed the old woman and was sure that she would return to him this money. The next morning he learned that all his expectations were justified.

The landowner came to a storytellor with sacrifice and in a road dress. First of all, she put 150 rubles on the table, after which he filed a bank receipt for 15,000 with an excess. The author did not believe her eyes and wanted to know the circumstances. The old woman told him that Ivan Ivanovich and his performer, without which it was impossible to do, performed a beautiful plan. At first, with Ivan Ivanovich, they were looking for this mysterious artist for a long time, throwing many cereal places and baths. They were looking for a "Serbian Frame", but the search was delayed for a long time. In the end, he was found and in the morning they went to the railway station, from where she was going to leave the debtor. Soon he appeared with his passion, and they began to drink tea. Serbian warrior passed by They are three times, and then asked France, why he stared at him. The word for the word and the Serbian Warrior struck him 3 times. The debtor tried to escape, but the police detained both.

A protocol was drawn up, and the debtor was awarded a court notice that could not be in sense. The debtor took a notice with witnesses and not to get under the subscription of the unseason, was forced at the same time to pay the check all his debt together with interest.

A brief retelling "Old Genius" in the reduction prepared Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

Year: 1884 Genre: story

This story refers to a simple good old woman who decided to help the capital Frant. He proved himself as a decent man, belonged to one of the most famous names, so kind woman I felt confidence in him. To help him, she lays the house and waits for the return of debt. The young man promised to return everything to her in a short time and, having received money, leaving to St. Petersburg.

The old woman lived modestly, with her daughter and granddaughter and, except for the house, they had nothing. But the young man did not rush with the debt paid. On all requests of a woman about the return of money, he does not answer anything. Then the old woman comes to the capital and turns to all sorts of office, asking for help. Everyone says that there are many complaints on him, but they cannot do anything because he has influential connections. Then she turns to the highest ranks, but the answer is the same, and that if he does not pass the paper, they cannot do anything.

She accidentally meets one official who agrees to help her for a small amount. He knows nothing about him, except that this person promises her to return her money. The old woman is advised with his acquaintances, he advises her not to hurry and think everything is good. But suddenly, she will find out that this Frant is going to leave abroad with a rich lady. In view of the extremes of the situation, the poor woman negotiates with the official Ivan Ivanovich.

The next day, the old woman tells her friend that the case was settled, thanks to the resourcefulness of Ivan Ivanovich. On the very day, when Mr. was going to leave the country, the old woman, an official and his friend come to the station. The latter is satisfied with the scandal and gives a slap to the debtor, which is why the police come. Taking this opportunity, they give it paper about the payment of debt. Thanks to the mind of a new acquaintance, the old woman was able to buy a house and live calmly.

The story shows how difficult simple man To achieve justice from an influential person. But even in any situation, thanks to ingenuity, you can find a way out.

Read Summary Leskov Old Genius on heads

1 Chapter

The old woman comes to the Great France with a request to help out it from the money difficulty. The woman agrees because it seems to her a man with a flawless reputation that receives a good income. For this, it lays the house and gives him 15,000 rubles, with the condition that he will return the whole amount in a short time after it is done before the capital. Mr leaves, time is going, and he is not going to return debt. The landowner is experiencing, because at her care daughter and granddaughter. The old woman writes letters in which reminds of debt, but does not receive any answer. The mortgage time is approaching and, in despair, it goes to Petersburg.

2 Chapter

At first, her troubles were successful: everyone was encouraged that it was not difficult, it would be decided quickly, the court made a favorable decision. But when it came to do it, it was difficult. In order to fulfill her request, it was necessary to transfer a special receipt, but no one could do this because this person had influential acquaintances, about which no one began to talk about any old woman. She all told her that he did not return debts to anyone, he should be almost all, trying to take something meaningless and offered to leave this venture. The old woman decisively refused and continued to insist at her request. She was only able to advise to appeal to the highest ranks.

3 Chapter

The conversation with the highest ranks was harder. Officials argued that he was not. A surprised woman said that every day sees him that he lives at the specified address. The answer was given that this is the house of his wife, that she also has a claim to him and cannot do anything with it. The old woman thought that, offering money, it would be arranged. But this did not have any effect: after she wanted to offer 3,000, she was asked to leave.

In a conversation with his acquaintances, she talks about the current situation, it argues that before the connection did not mean so much. After that, she mentions one person who is ready to help her for 500 rubles. Of course, the woman was laughed because he knew nothing about the stranger. On all her questions, he answered evasively, the only thing she was known that he is an official 14 discharge. The heroine, despite the doubts of a friend, for some reason believes an official, but still decides to think about everything and wait a bit.

4 Chapter

The old woman comes to a friend in upset feelings. Soon Christmas and the house is about to take away, on the street she saw the debtor with the lady and tried to appeal to his conscience, hoping that in the presence of the public, he would still fulfill his promise. But, of course, it was meaningless, the poor woman was attracted to responsibility for the fact that she violates the order in a public place. It was worse for her that he was going on vacation abroad with this rich lady. In despair, the old woman tells everything to the Deltsu, which has 14 ranks. Despite the unforeseen circumstance, he agrees to help her. She does not remain anything, how to trust him because otherwise he will not see his money. She has no amount and she asks for a debt, promising return after the case will be settled. A familiar, knowing her, as an honest woman, helps her. Extinguish for her case, he looks forward to whether she will help her.

5 Chapter

The old woman resorts to his friend, returns money and shows a receipt for the amount even greater than she waited. An official named Ivan Ivanovich, justified the hope of a good and compassional woman. Taking money from her, Ivan Ivanovich explains that he needed the performer and he has a familiar, Serbian Frame. They traveled at different places and finally found it. They went to the restaurant because he had to drink for coupling for courage. The performer says that he needs a sum of 300 rubles for his help. Ivan Ivanovich, having transferred some of the money, negotiates to meet the next morning.

In the morning they went to the railway station. When passengers began to approach the train, the old woman saw the debtor with the lady, which in anticipation of the departure, drank tea. The battleer provokes a scandal, hitting France to face. Mr. tried to escape, but the police arrived, saying that such behavior was in disabilities in a public place. The lady leaves, and her companion, answering the police, calls her name, surname and Chin. A policeman with witnesses transmits him with paper for delivery. So nothing remains, how to accept it, pay debt, and even with percent, old woman, to drive abroad. The old woman is happy that everything decided safely, and leaves home. This is the ability to find a way out of such difficult situations, allows you to call this mysterious official genius.

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