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Religion as one of the forms of culture. "religion as one of the forms of culture". Explain one of your findings

Methodological development is intended both for conducting a lesson Social studies on the topic "Religion as one of the forms of culture" can also be used to conduct a class hour to help the class teacher. The purpose of writing this methodological development: to assist in the selection of materials and their systematization, the proposal of photographs and reproductions, the course of the lesson and slides.




social studies lesson

Topic: "Religion as one of the forms of culture"

Developed by:

Teacher Orlova T.I.


The methodological development is intended both for conducting a Social Studies lesson on the topic "Religion as one of the forms of culture" can also be used to conduct a class hour to help the class teacher. The purpose of writing this methodological development: to assist in the selection of materials and their systematization, the proposal of photographs and reproductions, the course of the lesson and slides.

Computer set: Orlova T.I.


Main part.





Within the framework of the discipline "Social Studies" one of the topics of the section of the spiritual sphere of society is studied the topic "Religion", in our modern society the state attaches no unimportant importance to this topic. This is due to the fact that there is not a single country, not a single civilization where religion has not left its visible and beautiful traces. Many monuments, according to the decision of UNESCO, are global: St. Basil's Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, Notre Dame Cathedral, domes of churches directed into the sky, etc. solemn spiritual chant, the beauty of icons and Buddhist temples ... this is the material manifestation of religion generally accepted by mankind.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the young, younger generation, in search of truth, often turn to the sources of religion, looking for the meaning of their existence. It is an acquaintance with the basics of religious trends that can help in overcoming life's hardships and troubles. The true essence of religion can be grasped by a person himself, in contact with the spiritual wealth of religion. Religion has always reflected social relations, therefore, in the most difficult and tragic periods of history in different states, there is a sharp surge of interest in religion.

It is necessary to convey the role of religion in the life of society and individuals in social studies lessons and at extracurricular activities.

The purpose of writing a methodological development is to assist the teacher in conducting a lesson on the topic "religion as one of the forms of culture", based on systematized and selected material. Accompanied by slides.

Religion as a form of culture

... There is God, there is the world, they live forever,

And people's lives are instant and wretched,


Who loves the world and believes in God.

N. Gumilyov

(slide number 1)

Lesson type : lesson - research with elements of project activities and

using multimedia presentation technology.

Lesson objectives:


  • Define the role of religion as one of the forms of culture.
  • Study the foundations of beliefs in world religions, their similarities and differences
  • Teach students to analyze and summarize the information received, draw up projects and presentations on the topic of the lesson.


  • To bring students to an understanding of the importance of religion in modern society, as one of the forms of culture and a source of moral development of a person and society as a whole.
  • To form an attitude towards religion, religious consciousness, a tolerant attitude towards representatives of various religious confessions.


  • To contribute to the formation of the ability and skills of students to work with different sources, literature and the Microsoft Office Power Point computer program.
  • Shape abilityto the visual and verbal perception of the lesson materials.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Introduce students to the essence of religion.
  • Show the signs of religious consciousness, the role of religion in the life of society, the main ideas of each of the world religions.
  • Explain the essence of the principle of freedom of conscience.

Basic concepts of the lesson:Religion, monotheism, polytheism, animism, fetishism, totemism, world religions, faith, religious cult, church, sects, freedom of conscience.

Equipment: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard or screen

(for slideshow), laptop.


Explanatory and illustrative:

* lecture;


* books (visual aids)

Research method:

* execution of a report or presentation on a topic with a problem statement and analysis of the material.

Preparation for the lesson:

  1. Create a multimedia presentation "Religion as one of the forms of culture."
  2. Students are invited to prepare projects "World Religions" in the form of a report or presentation.

During the classes

Organizing time: (checking attendees and preparing for slideshow presentation 5-15 minutes)


One of the oldest forms of culture is religion. The path of the church in our country was difficult and thorny. Today the interest in religion is extremely high. We are witnessing how the leaders of our state are building their relations with representatives of various religious confessions, using the potential of religion in the revival of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the nation.

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson and explains the goals.

The topic of our lesson is "Religion as one of the forms of culture." We will get acquainted and repeat what world religions exist and develop in the world. Let's study the basics of beliefs in world religions, their similarities and differences. We will try to summarize the information and review the prepared presentations and listen to the reports. (homework)

(1 minute)

(Slide number 2)

2. Motivation.

The teacher explains about spiritual culture in the life of modern society.


Spiritual culture is understood as a "second nature" created by man, built on top of the first, natural, nature, as a world created by man. It covers the entire totality of the achievements of society in material and spiritual life. Spiritual culture includes knowledge, beliefs, convictions, spiritual values, ideology, morality, language, laws, traditions, customs achieved and assimilated by people. Spiritual culture characterizes the inner wealth of consciousness, the degree of development of the person himself.

(1 minute)

3. Updating basic knowledge on the topic "Religion".

Students are invited to recall the knowledge on the topic "Religion" received at school.

  1. What is religion?
  2. Describe the early forms of religion? (totemism, magic, fetishism, animism)
  3. What is the difference between the early forms of religion and the world?
  4. What religions can you remember?

(10 minutes)

  1. Formation of new knowledge.


Religion is one of the most ancient and basic (along with science, education, culture) forms of spiritual culture. In modern science, the definition of religion is popular, based on the recognition of faith in God as the basis of it ("religion is faith in God"). Along with it, other approaches to understanding the essence of religion are widespread: religion is a system of views, which are based on the concept of the sacred, holy; religion is one of the characteristic forms of culture of human adaptation to the world around him, the satisfaction of his spiritual needs.

(Slide number 3).

The core of religion is faith, it is in it that the most important features are found that determine the place of religion in the relationship between man and the world.

FAITH is a property of human consciousness, which manifests itself not only in religious, but also in other forms of consciousness.

Religious faith consists of:
1) faith itself, that is, beliefs in the truth of the foundations of religious teaching;
2) knowledge of the most essential provisions of the doctrine;
3) recognition and adherence to the norms of morality contained in the religious requirements for a person;
4) compliance with the norms and requirements for a person's daily life.

Elements of the structure of religion and levels of religious consciousness are presented on the slides.
There are various types of religion: monotheistic (based on belief in one God) and polytheistic (professing polytheism), ritual (with an emphasis on performing certain cult actions) and salvation religions (recognizing the main beliefs, ideas about the world and man, their posthumous fate), national (associated with a particular people or peoples) and world (not recognizing national differences).

(Slide number 4)

The national religions include Shinto (among the Japanese), Confucianism (among the Chinese), and Judaism (among the Jews). The main world religions in the modern world are Christianity (arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD), Islam (arose in the 7th century AD), Buddhism (arose in the middle of the 1st millennium BC).
The largest religions today are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.
The following data indicate the role of world religions in the modern world.
1. The vast majority of people living on Earth are adherents of one of the existing world religions.
2. In many countries of the world, religious associations are separated from the state. Nevertheless, the influence of religion on the political life of modern society remains significant.

(Slide number 5).

A number of states recognize one of the religions as state and compulsory.
3. Religion as a form of culture is one of the most important sources of moral values ​​and norms, regulates the daily life of people, keeps the principles of universal human morality. The role of religion in the revival and augmentation of cultural heritage, familiarizing people with it is invaluable.

4. Unfortunately, religious contradictions continue to be the source and breeding ground of bloody conflicts, terrorism, and stand of separation and confrontation. Religious fanaticism is destructive, it opposes culture, universal human spiritual values, and human interests.
Now your classmates will acquaint you in more detail with the peculiarities of world religions. (lecture with short notes - 20 minutes)

There is a presentation of projects and presentations of students.

(time 15-20 minutes)


One of the fundamental human rights in the modern world is the right to freedom of conscience.

(Slide number 6).

According to Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them."
Freedom of conscience, therefore, leaves a person with a choice between religious belief and atheism, which denies the existence of God, any supernatural forces and religion.

(Slide number 7)

5. Consolidation and generalization:

We answer the questions:

1. Why are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism named world religions?
2. What are the common features of the considered religions?
3. What are the differences between them?
4. What is “freedom of conscience”, what does it mean for citizens of democratic states?

6. Lesson summary

It is proposed to independently draw a conclusion based on the materials of the lesson.

Homework (on the board)

  1. Section 4.4, p. 128-137, textbook Vazhenin A.G., Social Science: -4- ed. - M .: "Academy", 2007;
  2. Paragraph 6.5., P. 275-282, Borovik V.S., Social Science.-M .: "Academy"., 2006
  3. Make a detailed plan

Religion is one of the most ancient forms of culture, having a huge impact on all other forms of culture. Religion (from Latin religare - to bind) is a person's striving for life in unity with supernatural forces (God, the Absolute), embodying the highest perfection, power and the meaning of life.

Religion is based on faith, it is expressed in the worldview, attitude, cult (worship of the deity) and in various forms of uniting believers (church, community, etc.).

There are various preconditions (roots) of religion:

Gnoseological, associated with the limited cognitive capabilities of a person, his inability to explain any facts and phenomena of reality;

· Psychological, associated with the psychological conditions of human existence (psychological problems, fear, anxiety);

· Sociocultural, associated with the social conditions of people's life (for example, the ruling classes are interested in the religiosity of the lower classes, as this helps them to defend their interests);

· Anthropological, due to the characteristics of a person as a special, unique natural creature (for example, a person's desire for the transcendental).

Functions of religion:

¨ mand the visual function: any religion expresses a certain view of the world, person, society; answers the "ultimate" questions of human existence; the problems that it solves are ideological, meaningful;

¨ ToOmpension function: religion compensates for the limitations, dependence, powerlessness of people. Psychologically, compensation is consolation, hope and pleasure, stress relief;

¨ ToOmmatnegative function realized in communication a) believers with each other; b) believers with God, angels, souls of the dead, saints, etc .;

¨ ReGstI amTeve function: with the help of certain ideas, values,

attitudes, norms, religion influences the behavior of people, groups, communities;

¨ integrating-disintegrating function: religion unites people who adhere to the same faith, creating a single value system; but it also divides people of different religious beliefs;

¨ TostbTatRbut-broadcasting function: religion contributed to the development of writing, printing, art, and therefore contributed to the accumulation and transmission of cultural heritage from generation to generation;

¨ leGde-legitimizing function: religion gives the status of legitimacy to institutions, norms, models, or, conversely, asserts their illegality.

Typologies of religions

Depending on people's ideas about God, religions are divided into:

1) monotheistic (belief in one God);

2) polytheistic (pagan religions, oriental cults - belief in many gods);

3) philosophical teachings transformed into religion (Buddhism,


By prevalence:

1) world religions (Islam, Buddhism, Christianity);

2) local, national religions (characteristic of one people or region - Judaism, Shintoism, Taoism).

National, local religions are religions that have not gone beyond one country or region.

Hinduism is a historical and cultural tradition of the peoples of India. There are now over 750 million followers of Hinduism.

Religious ideas of Indians have become more complex over time, from simple anthropomorphic they have evolved to more abstract, views. So

the religious and philosophical system of Brahmanism was formed. Its origins date back to the 10th - 7th centuries. BC. What does the religious-philosophical system of Brahmanism include? According to the Samkhya, there are two actively intertwined principles - prakriti (matter and energy) and purusha (here, in contrast to the first man of the Rig Veda, it is a spiritual principle). The relationship between purusha and prakriti is the root cause of the emergence and existence of the entire phenomenal world.

Doacism. The formation of Taoism in China dates back to the beginning of the Han era (VI century BC), its development and strengthening proceeded in parallel with the spread of Confucianism. Doacism and Confucianism constituted two interrelated religious and philosophical trends in the spiritual life of Chinese society. Lao Tzu is recognized as the founder of the philosophical and religious doctrine of pre-Hesism. Researchers suggest that this is a mythological person. This teaching is based on the categories of Tao and Te that are fundamental to all classical Chinese thought. Tao (literally - the path) is the Great Law and the Absolute at the same time. Usually Taoists talk about two Taos. "Nameless Tao" creates the universe,

The "Named Tao" creates concrete things. Tao is inextricably linked with Te (grace). Te is an emanation (outflow) of Tao. We can say that Tao and Te correlate as generative and generated principles. "Tao gives birth to things, Te feeds them, brings them up, makes them mature, looks after them." ("Tao Te Ching", No. 51).

Confucianism is the basis of the spiritual and religious life of China. It originated in the VI century. BC. The combination of religiosity and rationalism in Confucianism allowed this confession to play the role of a spiritual and ideological regulator of Chinese social life. The creator of this teaching is Confucius. In Confucianism, the cult of ancestors occupies a significant place. The common thread runs through the idea of ​​honoring the traditions that developed in antiquity. In this case, they act as a ritual, a kind of canonical code of conduct.

Shintoism. Shinto (literally - the path of the gods) is the national religion of the Japanese people. Already in the I-III centuries. AD in Japan, there were objects of worship and rituals characteristic of Shinto. Shinto is tolerant of other religions, fully allowing the worship of both "own" and other gods at the same time. In practice, the purpose and meaning of Shinto is to assert the identity of the ancient history of Japan and the divine origin of the Japanese people. Shinto contains the idea of ​​the blood unity of the Japanese and the idea of ​​the divinity of political power, which united the people into one family, a single state.

Judaism is the first monotheistic religion. Judaism is sometimes called the religion of Moses, after the spiritual and political leader of the Jews. In the religious consciousness of the Jews, Yahweh takes on the image of the Creator of the world, the bearer of all that exists and

patron saint of Jews - "the chosen people". Torah and Talmud - "holy books"

World religions - these religions have gone beyond one country and covered many countries.

Buddhism is a world religion. Arose in the VI century. BC. The founder of this teaching is Buddha Gautama. Philosophical foundations of Buddhism: there is no idea of ​​God - the creator of the universe and the foreman of world events. Real things and events are considered in Buddhism to be a manifestation of a huge number of dharmas - peculiar elements of the psychophysical world. In Buddhism, there are five basic requirements: do not kill any living creature, do not take someone else's, do not lie, do not commit adultery, do not drink intoxicating drinks.

Christianity is a world religion, arose among the Jews in the 1st century. AD The founder of Christian teaching is Jesus Christ. There are three confessions in Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism.

1. Orthodoxy. In the interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity, the main attention is paid to God the Father, and only from him is the procession of the Holy Spirit recognized. The traditions of the seven sacraments are observed. The main rituals of the cult: prayers, the sign of the cross, uncovering the head in front of the icon, kneeling, listening to teachings, participating in the service. The main holiday of Orthodoxy is Easter.

2. Catholicism (translated from gr. - ecumenical). The dogma of Catholicism, in many respects close to Orthodoxy, has some peculiarities. A peculiar understanding of the Trinity was established in Catholicism: the procession of the Holy Spirit is recognized not only from God the Father, but also from God the Son ("filioque"). Hence the increased attention to the human way of Jesus, the main holiday is Christmas, the main symbol is the crucifixion. This understanding of the triune essence of God laid in Catholicism a huge humanistic potential, which is manifested, in particular, in the sublime veneration of the Virgin Mary.

3. Protestantism. In the XVI century. Europe was swept by the Reformation - a movement for the transformation of the church in the spirit of the gospel ideals. Protestantism orients a person towards personal communication with God. Hence the right of every person to read and discuss the Bible. The main services are Bible reading, sermon, individual and collective prayers, and singing of religious hymns. The cult of the Mother of God, saints, icons and relics was rejected.

Islam is a world religion. Translated from Arabic "Islam" means obedience. Islam arose in the 7th century. AD The merchant Muhammad is the founder of Islam. The Koran and Sunnah are the "holy books" of Muslims. In Islam, five religious rules of faith are recognized: ash - shahada - confession of faith; as - salad (namaz) - prayer; as - saum

Fast; az - zakat - tax in favor of the poor; Hajj - pilgrimage.

1. Write down the definition of the concept.

Religion is a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in the existence of God, supernatural forces, and, accordingly, behavior and actions.

2. What is characteristic of religious consciousness?

Faith in God, certain rituals, prayers.

3. What functions does religion perform in the life of a person and society? List the functions and give examples of the implementation of each of them. Fill in the table.

4. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

Religion is one of the forms 3 (A), a method of practical - spiritual mastery of the world by an individual, 6 (B), society as a whole.
In the structure of religion stand out
2 (B) cult, religious relations, institutions and organizations. Religious consciousness presupposes belief in the presence 5 (D) influencing the activities of the individual and society, the ability to communicate with these forces and influence them. Thanks to religious faith, certain persons, objects, texts are endowed with religious meaning and 1 (D) and are included in the cult.
Scientists identify polytheistic
4 (E) and monotheistic (monotheism) religions. There are also tribal or archaic (shamanism, quackery, magic, etc.), national (for example, Hinduism, Judaism) and 7 (F) (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam).

Choose one word after another in sequence, filling in each gap.

1) symbolic meaning
2) religious consciousness
3) spiritual life
4) polytheism
5) supernatural powers
6) social group
7) world religions

A-3 B-6 C-2 D-5 D-1 E-4 F-7

5. Read extracts from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Associations" and complete the assignments.

Article 3. Right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

1. The Russian Federation guarantees freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, freely choose and change, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them ...
3. Establishment of advantages, restrictions or other forms of discrimination depending on the attitude towards religion is not allowed.
4. Citizens of the Russian Federation are equal before the law in all areas of civil, political, economic, social and cultural life, regardless of their attitude to religion and religious affiliation. A citizen of the Russian Federation, in the event that his convictions or religion is contrary to the performance of military service, has the right to replace it with an alternative civilian service.
5. No one is obliged to disclose their attitude to religion .... It is prohibited to involve minors in religious associations, as well as to teach minors in religion against their will and without the consent of their parents or persons replacing them ....

Article 4. State and religious associations.

1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as state or compulsory. Religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law.

1) What, according to the law, include freedom of conscience and freedom of religion (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

2) Suppose why military service for believers, if necessary, is replaced by alternative civilian service, and not canceled altogether.

The law is the same for everyone. Therefore, military service cannot be canceled. You can only replace it.

3) For what purpose, in your opinion, does the law specifically stipulate the right of citizens not to disclose their attitude to religion?

The choice of religion is a personal matter for each person.

4) How does the law protect the rights of minors (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

Why is this necessary?

Involvement in religious associations against the will of a minor and without parental consent is prohibited.

5) What, according to the law, means the concept of "secular state" (underline the corresponding provision of the law)?

6. Sociologists interviewed 1,600 Russians in order to find out their attitude to religion. It turned out that some of the respondents who declared their faith in God also believe in other supernatural forces. The data obtained are shown in the diagram. Analyze the survey data.

1) How many respondents believe only in the existence of God?


2) What other supernatural powers do the respondents believe in?

Into aliens, witchcraft and magic.

3) Draw three conclusions from the given data.

Least of all the respondents believe in aliens. (6%)
Most believe only in God.
21% of respondents believe in God and omens.

4) Explain one of your findings.

Only 6% of those surveyed believe in aliens, because their existence has not yet been proven.

Poll 1. What is science? 2. 3 meanings of science. 3. Distinctive features of science as a system of knowledge 4. For scientists, an important ethical problem is associated with 1) the use of scientific discoveries in education 2) the use of scientific achievements in business 3) the use of scientific achievements for inhuman purposes

Poll 1. Science as a field of activity of scientists engaged in scientific research 2. The concept of a technopark means 1) an entertainment center using the latest achievements 2) collections of scientific papers 3) modern research and production associations 4) commercial organizations selling patents for scientific discoveries 3. Features of science as a system of organizations and institutions

Answer the test question. Are the judgments about modern science correct: A) Modern society requires science to develop technical ideas B) modern science develops only in connection with the development of technology 1) Only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) A and B are true; 4) both judgments are wrong.

The growing role of modern science (72-74, question 5) What are the functions of science? 1. Cultural and worldview - forms a worldview, scientific ideas - part of general education, culture 2. Cognitive and explanatory - science becomes a factor in the production process, the development of technology increasingly depends on the success of scientific research 3. Prognostic - science data are used to develop plans and programs social and economic development, for the management of cultural processes

The concept of religion (rt.zad.1) 1. What is religion - a set of spiritual concepts based on belief in the existence of God, gods, supernatural forces, as well as the corresponding behavior and specific actions of the approach to defining the meaning of the concept of religion: Relegere- " to treat with special respect "Religare -" to connect, to connect "What signs of the concept of religion affect each of the approaches?

Features of religious faith (textbook 76-77) 1. What is faith? Faith is a person's personal, emotional attitude to some information, which he is ready to recognize as true (or false) without evidence and justification (communication, knowledge). 2. What is characteristic of religious consciousness (rt, problem 2).

Features of religious faith (76-77). 1) conviction in the existence of supernatural forces 2) conviction in the influence of supernatural forces on human life and society as a whole, a person experiences love, fear 3) conviction in the possibility of human contact with supernatural forces Rite - actions, each element of which is filled with a deep religious meaning Prayer - direct verbal appeal of a person to God

The role of religion in the life of society (77-78). Functions of religion and their essence 1. Regulatory - regulates the behavior of people in society, believers must follow certain rules, perform religious actions 2 Educational - encourages the development of certain positive qualities 3. Worldview - gives the answer to eternal human questions: how did the earth come about? 4. Psychological (compensatory)

Functions of religion and their essence 4. Psychological (compensatory) - relieves a difficult psychological state of a person 5. Communicative - can save a person from loneliness, expand his circle of communication 6. Integrative - religion, religious leaders united society to solve some significant problem

Religious organizations and associations. Their signs. 1. Church - unites followers of any creed 1. A clear division of believers into clergy and laity 2. Church hierarchy 3. The presence of religious leaders 4. Development of a system of immutable foundations of doctrine (dogmas), rituals.

Religious organizations. Their signs. 2. A sect - arises as a result of the separation from the church of a part of the laity and clergy, opposing the rest of the believers 1. Limited number, the division into laymen and clergy is eliminated 2. The idea of ​​equality of all members of the organization 3. The claim to the exclusiveness of religious attitudes, intolerance of dissent 4. Tough control over the lives of their adherents, depriving them of the opportunity to dispose of property.

Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion (80-81) 1. Freedom of conscience - the right of an individual to form and defend his convictions, life principles. 2. Freedom of religion - the exclusive right of a person's free religious choice, which religion to profess or even renounce religion altogether, taking the position of atheism.

How is the principle of freedom of conscience implemented in our country? (80-81) 1. Equality of citizens, regardless of their attitude to religion 2. The state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their cult 3. The church is separated from the state, religious organizations should not interfere in government issues 4. Equal access for representatives of all religions and atheists to receive basic secondary, vocational education.

Answer the test question Are the judgments about freedom of conscience correct: A) freedom of conscience is a person's right to the independence of spiritual life B) the right to freedom of conscience is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? 1) Only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) A and B are true; 4) both judgments are wrong.

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