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History presentation on the topic “History in persons: what historical person are we talking about? Social development of Kievan Rus Was not affected by the war of the Orthodox Church

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-1.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA.">!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-2.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Installed a new country governance system Introduced legal procedures Protected"> Устанавливал новую систему управления страной Вводил порядок судопроизводства Защищал жизнь, имущество всех жителей страны!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-3.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> DOCUMENT JUDICIAL 1497 ON PEASANT TRANSITIONS. ) refusal "."> ДОКУМЕНТ СУДЕБНИК 1497 ГОДА О КРЕСТЬЯНСКИХ ПЕРЕХОДАХ. «О христианском (крестьянском) отказе» . А крестьянам переходить из волости в волость, из села в село, один срок в году, за неделю до Юрьева дня осеннего и неделю после Юрьева дня осеннего. Дворы, находящиеся в полях, платят пожилое за двор рубль, а в лесах полтина. А который христианин проживет на нем год, да и пойдет прочь, и он полдвора платит; а три года поживет и пойдет прочь, и он платит три четверти двора; а четыре года проживет, и он весь двор платит. Какими мерами Судебник 1497 года обеспечивал прикрепление крестьян к земле феодала?!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-4.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> 1497 - Ivan III Code of Laws - the first set of laws of a single state"> 1497 год – Судебник Ивана III – первый свод законов единого государства Установлен единый срок перехода крестьян: неделя до Юрьева дня осеннего (26 ноября) и неделя после. Уходя от помещиков, крестьяне должны были заплатить ему пожилое – плату за проживание на земле (1 рубль с человека). Введение Юрьева дня – первое ограничение крестьянской свободы!}

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Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-8.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Land tenure in Russia in the 15th century Fiefdoms -"> Землевладение на Руси в XV веке Вотчины – Поместья – земли, земли, передаваемые предоставляемые по наследству за службу Дворцовые земли – Церковные и земли великого монастырские князя земли Государственные земли!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-9.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> A peasant (from the word“ Christians ”) is a villager practicing cultivation"> Крестьянин (от слова «христиане») – сельский житель, занимающийся возделыванием сельскохозяйственных культур и разведением сельскохозяйственных животных как своей основной работой. Мир - крестьянская община.!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-10.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Rural area in Russia in the 15th century Village -"> Сельская местность на Руси в XV веке Деревня – Починок – населенный выселок, Починок пункт в небольшой новый сельской Деревня поселок (1 -3 двора) местности в несколькими десятков домов (3/4 -7 -8). Внутренняя колонизация!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-11.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:>"> Крестьяне Владельческие – Черносошные – крестьяне, проживавшие на землях помещиков и государственных вотчинников землях!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-12.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Urban development. The city is the administrative center of handicrafts and commerce.">!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-13.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> City. Kremlin (before the 14th century - Detinets;) -"> Город. Кремль (до XIV века - детинец;) - название городских Кремль – укреплений в Древней Руси детинец собор торг Купеческие Слобода – название поселений в России (XI-XVII вв.), лавки Ремесленные население которых временно Поса д (подо л) торгово-ремесленная слободы освобождались от уплаты налогов. часть города.!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-14.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Recall the essence of concepts. Hundreds - an association of artisans, traders of one"> Вспомним сущность понятий. Сотни – объединение ремесленников, торговцев одной территории. Гости – Ведущие зарубежную торговлю. Ярмарка – ежегодный торг, проводившийся в определенное время в определенном месте.!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-15.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Church and state in the late 15th - early 16th centuries">!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-16.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> 50s of the 15th century, the Russian church becomes autocephalous.">!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-17.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> At the beginning of the 16th century, the monk Philotheus named Moscow"> В начале XVI века монах Филофей назвал Москву Третьим Римом, а «четвертому Риму не бывать» .!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-18.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> XIV-XVI centuries - the time of acute religious disputes in Russia. The emergence of heresies.">!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-19.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Heresy of the strigolniks and Judaizers Strigolniki (Novgorod, Pskov; XIV century. ) Denied the need"> Ересь стригольников и жидовствующих Стригольники (Новгород, Псков; XIV в.) Отрицали необходимости церкви, отвергали обряды и церковные таинства Жидовствующие (Новгород, Москва; XV в.) Отрицали необходимость церкви, не признавали икон и, отрицали божественное происхождение Иисуса Христа и говорили о его человеческой сущности, монашество.!}

Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/3/3872100_457896859.pdf-img/3872100_457896859.pdf-20.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> XV century - disputes over church land tenure Non-possessors - Josephites -"> XV век – споры о церковном землевладении Нестяжатели – Иосифляне – выступали против защищали монастырского монастырские землевладения и за владения, власть главы сильную церкви считали выше великокняжескую великокняжеской власть. (потом признали Нил Сорский. первенство князя) Иосиф Волоцкий.!}

In the IX-XII centuries. the economy of the Old Russian state is characterized as a period of early feudalism. This period is associated with the beginning of the emergence of the very foundation of the relationship between the state, feudal lords and agriculture. The most basic issues affecting the entire population are being resolved, such as the production of goods, the procedure for collecting taxes, and military service. After all, the core of the "Russian land" is agriculture, which occupies the main place in the economy of Kievan Rus. It was based on arable farming. If we compare it with the primitive communal system, then at this time the farming technique was significantly improved. The cultivation of land in the southern part, where noble black earth plots prevailed, was carried out with a plow (or ral); in the north, a plow was used. Agriculture played a primary role in the life of Ancient Rus, therefore, the sown fields were called life, and the main grain for each locality was called rye (from the verb "to live").

By the IX-X centuries. a transfer system appeared and began to be used, in which arable land was abandoned for some time. The two-field and three-field with spring and winter crops became famous.

Old traditions of land cultivation have also been preserved in forest areas (slash or fire). The peasant farms had horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry.

A characteristic feature was the extent to which the commodity economy was developed, because practically everything necessary for life was produced. Crafts developed, the centers of which, of course, were cities, but individual industries also developed in villages. The dominant role was played by ferrous metallurgy for the simple reason that Ancient Russia was rich in swamp ores, from which iron was extracted. All kinds of processing of iron were carried out, the manufacture of numerous things from it for the economy, military affairs and everyday life, while various technological methods were used: forging, welding, cementation, turning, inlaid with non-ferrous metals. However, along with metallurgy, a great impetus in the development of woodworking, pottery, and leather crafts took place.

Thus, metallurgy and agriculture are becoming a solid support and the main article of the economy of Kievan Rus.

Ticket 4.

The most important event carried out by Prince Vladimir (980-1015) was the religious reform.

Carrying out a religious reform, Prince Vladimir strove to strengthen the state, to rally the collapsing inter-tribal union and to preserve the dominant position of the Kiev nobility in it.

There have been 2 attempts at religious reform:

1) the pagan reform of 980, which did not solve the tasks assigned to it. Its essence was to collect all the gods who were worshiped by various tribes, and to compose in Kiev a pantheon, obligatory for the entire state;

2) the introduction of Christianity (988).

Historians name various reasons for Vladimir's conversion to Christianity. According to a number of scholars, during the baptism of Rus, Vladimir was guided not only by considerations of state benefits. He turned to Christianity sincerely. Perhaps as a result of repentance for the atrocities committed (the murder of Yaropolk's brother, who reigned in Kiev, and the seizure of the Kiev throne), fatigue from a riotous life (Vladimir spent a lot of time in noisy drinking at the banquet table and in the chambers of his many wives and slave-concubines), feelings of spiritual emptiness. Having become a Christian, Vladimir baptized Russia as well. This decision was also influenced by the desire of the Kiev prince to strengthen the foreign policy position of Russia. In any relations with Christian states, the pagan state inevitably turned out to be an unequal partner, with which Vladimir did not want to put up.

The people of Kiev, among whom there were many Christians, accepted the transition to the "Greek faith" without obvious resistance. Residents of the southern and western cities of Russia, who often communicated with other religions and lived in a multilingual, multi-tribal environment, reacted calmly to baptism.

Religious innovations met with much greater resistance in the north and east. Thus, the Novgorodians rebelled against the bishop Joachim (991) sent to the city, who ridiculed pagan beliefs. To conquer them, Vladimir sent detachments led by Dobrynya and Putyata: "Putyata baptized with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire." The inhabitants of Murom refused to let the son of Vladimir, Prince Gleb, into the city, and declared their desire to preserve the religion of their ancestors. Similar conflicts arose in other cities of the Novgorod and Rostov lands.

Reasons for the resistance of the northern cities to Christianization:

A pagan religious organization was formed there (regular and stable rituals, separate groups of priests - magi, magicians);

The wary attitude of Novgorodians and Rostovites to all orders emanating from Kiev.

However, Christianity was far from immediately established in the minds of people, especially in the villages. Throughout the centuries, the dual faith of Russia persisted: the Christian faith was combined with faith in the former pagan gods. In an effort to facilitate the adoption of Christianity by the Slavs, the church consecrated some pagan holidays. So, the Shrovetide holiday is pagan in origin. The holiday of Ivan Kupala, which marked the arrival of summer, merged with the day of St. John the Baptist. The worship of the Thunderer Perun was replaced by the veneration of Elijah the Prophet, St. Blasius became the patron of cattle instead of Veles. These beliefs have become firmly established in Russian Christianity.

The meaning of the adoption of Christianity in Russia:

2) The way of life of people has changed.

3) The Church forbade sacrifices, polygamy, blood feud and other pagan traditions.

4) Mastering the Byzantine cultural heritage. Development of culture, creation of monuments of writing.

5) The international position of the Old Russian state has changed. It joined the general row of Christian states in Europe. The prince needed a religion capable of strengthening the princely power. (example Byzantium).

6) It is impossible to retain all the Slavic lands relying only on military force.

Ticket 5.

International relations of Kievan Rus IX-XI centuries. (article)

International relations in Russia as an integral part and instrument of foreign policy appeared and developed simultaneously with the birth and formation of the Russian state, the history of which dates back to the formation of Kievan Rus in the 9th century. By about half of the 9th century. external and internal relations in the commercial and industrial world of Russian cities developed in such a combination, in which the protection of the country's borders and foreign trade became their common interest, subordinating them to the prince of Kiev and making the Kiev Varangian principality the grain of the Russian state. In the vastness of Eastern Europe, a new leading political force began to take shape - the Old Russian state, or Russia, as it was called at that time.

Kievan Rus - this is how historians call the state of the ancient Slavs from the 9th to the 11th centuries. with the center in the city of Kiev. But the concept of Kievan Rus includes not only the city of Kiev with the surrounding lands, but also all the cities and settlements of the Eastern Slavs - the ancestors of the Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians.

Until the XII century. the borders of Kievan Rus were not clearly marked. And if in the north and south they were determined by the geographical boundaries of the White and Black Seas, then in the west and especially in the east they were very conditional. At the same time, part of the borders in the west could still be considered more or less definite, since they separated Kievan Rus from the previously formed states - Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic. There were no delimitations along the rest of the perimeter, tk. Russia was surrounded by the lands of peoples and tribes that were at a lower stage of development, who did not have their own statehood, or knew only its initial forms.

According to historians (S.F. Platonov, I.Ya. Froyanov, V.O. of which about a third were Western European monarchies and empires, almost fifteen hundred were Russian principalities, and the rest were small nationalities and tribes. The overwhelming majority of neighboring non-Slavic peoples were in one way or another vassal dependence on Russia and paid tribute to it. To others, such as the Varangians and Ugrians, Kievan Rus paid tribute itself. In accordance with this, the various functions of ancient Russian international relations were also determined: one in relation to neighboring small peoples that did not have their own statehood, the other in relation to already formed states.

So, for example, relations with the powerful Byzantium developed in a special way. A notable milestone in the development of international relations was the sending in 838 of the Russian embassy to Constantinople. For the first time, Russia was represented at the court of the Byzantine emperor Theophilos as a state. The main goal of the Russian embassy was to establish direct contacts with the central government of Byzantium. The well-known historian A.A. Shakhmatov, who devoted almost half his life to studying the history and chronicle of Kievan Rus, testifies that recent opponents were welcomed in Byzantium. The embassy was given a worthy welcome, as evidenced by the attention shown to it by the supreme power, who took care of its safety and food supply, as well as the length of its stay in the Greek capital, which fully corresponded to the plans of the Empire (it hoped to turn Russia into allies in the fight against their longtime enemy - the Arab Caliphate).

However, the embassy did not lead to the solution of fundamental issues of relations between the two states. The powerful Byzantine Empire did not recognize the emerging Old Russian state. An important role in the formation of Russian statehood, the development of the diplomatic system of Rus, the expansion of its external relations and the enhancement of prestige were played by the negotiations that took place after the successful attack of the Russians on Constantinople in 860, and the first peace treaty in the history of Ancient Rus on "peace and love" concluded with Byzantine Empire. For the first time the Russian army laid siege to Constantinople, this richest city, where there were huge values. Russia, previously content with local attacks on Byzantine possessions and the conclusion of private agreements with imperial officials, achieved negotiations with the Greeks at the walls of Constantinople.

According to historian B.D. Grekov, it was this fact that changed the nature of relations between Byzantium and Kievan Rus. In the course of negotiations with Constantinople, the Russians gradually mastered the complex diplomatic arsenal of the Empire, while creating their own foreign policy stereotypes. They managed to ensure that Byzantium treated its partner as a sovereign entity and recognized Russia as a new East Slavic state. According to the terms of the treaty, peaceful relations were established between the two states, payment by the Empire of tribute to Kievan Rus, as well as an agreement on the baptism of Rus. The Christian Greek mission was admitted to Russia. The treaty included, in addition, the allied obligation of Kievan Rus in relation to Byzantium. Thus, the beginning of the withdrawal of Russia from the zone of isolation, in which the East Slavic tribes found themselves after the attack of the Avars, and later in connection with the dependence on the Khazars, was laid.

As noted by most famous historians, such as A.A. Shakhmatov, V.T. Pashuto, V.O. Klyuchevsky, B.D. Grekov and others, the external activities of the first Kiev princes were directed primarily by economic interest. And this activity was aimed at two main goals: 1) to acquire overseas markets, 2) to clear and protect the trade routes that led to these markets.

The main thing that ancient Russian diplomacy sought in the sub-vassal territories was the preservation of the internal structure of power and the development of trade there, and later the spread of Christianity.

The situation was different with the neighboring states, with which the "Rurik power" sought to establish beneficial ties. Oleg (882 - 912) ruled, “having peace to all countries” (from The Tale of Bygone Years). Vladimir Svyatoslavich (980 - 1015) had good relations with the rulers of Hungary and Bohemia. Kievan Rus maintained especially close ties with Poland. Both states, despite their disagreements over Prussia, refused to participate in coalitions hostile to each other and managed to come to a close alliance, sealed and confirmed by a series of treaties. Stable international relations have developed in Kievan Rus with the states of the Volga region - Bulgaria and Khazaria, in the Caucasus - with Dagestan; in the north - with the Scandinavian countries - Sweden and Denmark. Occasionally interrupted by conflicts, these relations were invariably renewed and strengthened by dynastic alliances with the subsequent growth of mutual political and trade benefits. International contacts with distant countries - Germany, France, England and Italy - were less regular and stable.

The trade relations of Kievan Rus were also lively. They stretched from Flanders to the Ugra land and from Scandinavia to Constantinople. Rooks with wax, honey, furs and other items of export were usually equipped for overseas voyages in Kiev or the cities closest to it on the Dnieper. Russian merchants were well known in the East, in Central and Northern Europe. Their overland caravans carried their goods to Baghdad and India. On the Black Sea, Russian military-trade expeditions went to Bulgaria and Byzantium.

In an effort to consolidate the diplomatic success of the Russians, the Kiev prince Oleg again sent in 911 to Constantinople "his husbands", who upon arrival in the capital were received by the ruling emperors Leo VI and his brother Alexander. At the 911 embassy conference, the negotiations ended with the signing of an extensive general political treaty, in which, for the first time, specific articles of relations between the two states in the legal, economic, political and military fields were fixed in writing. Under the treaty, the Empire received, in particular, the right to take on the service of Russian vigilantes.

Russia, connected with Byzantium by allied obligations, undertook a campaign in the regions of the Southern and South-Western Caspian regions in 912. Sakharov A.N. in his work "Diplomacy of Ancient Rus" notes that a successful offensive became possible largely thanks to the diplomatic efforts of the Russians, who managed to ensure the "transit" of the squad across the territory of Khazaria. Later, Russian diplomacy more than once used the Pechenegs, Alans and other peoples of the North Caucasus in various political combinations in the east.

In 944, Kievan Rus, wishing to achieve complete equality with Byzantium, undertook a new military campaign against Constantinople and again achieved success. The Byzantine government, through its diplomats, promised Grand Duke Igor to pay tribute under the previous agreement. Moreover, it sent an official embassy to Kiev with the aim of working out the terms of a new treaty, where, according to the chronicle, Igor "spoke with them about peace." Then the Russian embassy went to Constantinople, where negotiations with the Greek "bolyars and dignitaries" were continued. So, for the first time in the Russian practice of international relations, the form of sending a response embassy was used.

Having organized a farewell audience for the Greeks, the Russians adopted the diplomatic experience of not only Byzantium, but also international practice. The treaty on peace, friendship and military alliance was not mutually beneficial, although some of its articles are permeated with a spirit of compromise. Rus reaffirmed its political and commercial status in Byzantium, but lost an important duty-free trade right. At the same time, she achieved official recognition of her influence on the northern shores of the Black Sea, and in particular at the mouth of the Dnieper. A great success of the Russians was the fact that the title of "lordship" disappeared from the treaty, which placed the Kiev prince on a par with insignificant rulers. Igor was titled as the “Grand Duke of Russia”, which indicated the rise of his political prestige in the eyes of the Empire and among the Eastern European states.

The high art of strengthening international relations was shown after the death of her husband, Grand Duke Igor, by Princess Olga, who combined all the qualities of an intelligent and rare empress (890 - 969). In an effort to further increase the authority of the grand-ducal power and raise the prestige of Russia, she decided to receive the rite of baptism in Byzantium. To this end, Olga went to Constantinople at the head of a large and magnificent embassy.

On September 9, 957, she was assigned an audience with the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Having studied the chronicles of those times, A.A. Shakhmatov concluded that the princess's reception was fully consistent with the ceremonies of other foreign rulers. The furnishings in the palace were extremely solemn and pompous; the entire courtyard was present during the reception. After that, some deviations from the rules were made for the princess. Olga, unaccompanied, approached the throne and talked with the emperor while standing, and did not prostrate before him, as it was supposed to and as her retinue did. Soon the Grand Duchess was invited to a meeting with the imperial family, during which a conversation took place with the emperor, for the sake of which she arrived in Constantinople. In the family circle, Olga was honored to sit in the presence of the emperor, which was considered a high privilege, which was granted only to the crowned heads.

In a conversation with Konstantin Porphyrogenitus, Olga discussed the procedure for the upcoming rite of baptism. Soon she was baptized in the presence of the emperors Constantine Porphyrogenitus and Roman in the main temple of Constantinople and received the blessing of Patriarch Polyeuctus.

Thus, the years of Olga's reign were characterized by the expansion of international relations of Kievan Rus: relations with Byzantium were strengthened, embassies were exchanged with the German emperor, and trade relations of Kievan Rus were significantly expanded.

The issues of the state prestige of Russia, the expansion of its international relations continued to remain in the center of attention of the Kiev rulers. Strengthening and expanding international relations was achieved in different ways: at the cost of political deals and concessions, or with the help of military force. Sometimes the enemy was openly notified of the war, but more often the war was prepared in secret, and the military correspondence was conducted in secret. The diplomacy of that time was by no means primitive; it bore the stamp of its time. The means, methods and forms used by it were improved as the state was becoming (V.T. Pashuto).

Already in those distant times, participating in campaigns against the Arabs and Normans who threatened the allied Byzantium, Russia did not forget about its own interests, strengthened its influence not only in the Caucasus, but also in the Mediterranean Sea, influencing the German-imperial struggle for Italy. The attempt of the Greeks to push the nomads against Russia also ended in failure. Pushing back Byzantium, the Russians managed to keep the forest-steppe border and take control of the policy towards the nomads, turning the Khazars, Pechenegs, Torks and a significant part of the Polovtsians into their allies. Oaths, bribery and distribution of border lands, organization of magnificent receptions for ambassadors, gifts, etc. were used. Quite a few Polovtsian girls - "Khatuns", having adopted Orthodoxy, became Russian princesses. Making extensive use of diplomacy in international relations with other countries, the Russians also retained their positions on the main trade routes along the Volga, Don, Dnieper, Dniester, Sereti and Lower Danube.

And in conclusion, it must be said that in the complex system of international relations of Kievan Rus, marriage unions occupied an important place. So, Yaroslav the Wise (1019 - 1054) was married to the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Ingigerde, his eldest daughter Elizabeth was married to the Norwegian king Harald, the middle - Anna - to the French king Henry I, after whose death she became regent of France; the younger Anastasia - for the Hungarian king Andrew. The Russian princesses left a noticeable mark on the political life of Poland, Lithuania and other countries. In turn, Russian princes, striving to strengthen relations between Russia and foreign states, often married girls from the royal and royal families.

Thus, summing up my report on the topic "International relations of Kievan Rus IX-XI centuries." I would like to note that the princes of the ancient Russian state in every possible way sought to expand the borders of their state, to strengthen political and economic ties, and most importantly, to develop trade relations with overseas markets.

Ticket 6.

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covered by collected from the population

tribute. (later - taxes)

Interest in land appears only at the turn XII - XIII c. when trade with Byzantium was destroyed.

Why did interest in land intensify precisely at this stage?

Already in the XI-XII centuries, the growth of the princely and boyar patrimonial economy was observed. Patrimony is hereditary private land property of the princely-boyar class of Russia. The patrimonial lands were inhabited by peasant communities, obliged to various duties in favor of the owners of the land. The supreme ownership of land belonged to the prince.

The forms of land mobilization in the hands of princes and boyars are diverse:

  • simple conquests during wars;
  • violent seizure of land from the "guilty" community members;
  • appropriation of "escheat" lands of free smerds.

The reasons for the growth of princely land ownership Page 175

  • Decreased export opportunities due to the Polovtsian threat;
  • The growth of the princely family led to the fragmentation of possessions, which reduced income;
  • Preservation of patriarchal land tenure.

All this contributed to the creation

princely domain.

The emergence of ecclesiastical land tenure:“So, St. Vladimir provided the bishops with means of support, firstly, with a tithe, which was to be collected from the prince's income in more or less full volume of the latter and from the income of private people who constituted the class of patrimonial lands; secondly, as it should be assumed with all probability, immovable estates, which consisted of lands for running their own farms, with the addition of the required number of rural slaves to the lands, as well as the required number of service people or servants who would actually run the economy and generally manage them ". (E. Golubinsky)

  • Land becomes a commodity (this was facilitated by the purchase of land by the Moscow princes);
  • Moscow princes are the supreme owners of the annexed lands;
  • The "encroachment" of the "black" - communal lands;
  • The distribution of land for life began, subject to the service of the Grand Duke (ser. Xv c.) - a local system is being formed;
  • A system of duties is being drawn up.

A local system was formed


  • For the right to use land, the payment is quitrent or corvee.

To regulate relations between landowners and peasants, special articles are introduced into the Code of Laws of 1497.

  • * Task 2

The Grand Duke is the supreme owner of the land.

The landowner is the owner of the land, for which he carries out the service "horse-drawn, crowded and armed." *

To carry out the service, one had to have income.

  • Ryadovichi
  • Servants
  • Smerd
  • Procurement
  • Slaves


Stages of enslavement

The period for the transfer of peasants to other owners and the amount of compensation (elderly) are established

Confirmation of the right to move only on St. George's Day and an increase in the elderly

The introduction of "reserved" years - the prohibition of the transition to other owners.

The decree on the search for fugitive peasants, the period of investigation ("regular summer") - 5 years.

The term of investigation is increased to 15 years, for harboring fugitives - a fine.

The Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich establishes an unlimited search for fugitives - the end of the process of enslavement.

What forms of land tenure and why became the leading ones during the formation of a single Russian state? Exercise 1.


Source of occurrence


Specificity of land tenure

Western European counterpart

Literature: Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G., Brandt M. Yu.

Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages.

New time. Grade 10

M., "Education", 2008

Internet resources:







The process of formation in Kievan Rus of the main classes of feudal society is poorly reflected in the sources. This is one of the reasons why the question of the nature and class basis of the Old Russian state is debatable. The presence in the economy of various economic structures gives a basis for a number of specialists to assess the Old Russian state as an early class state, in which the feudal structure existed along with the slaveholding and patriarchal ones.

Most scientists support the idea of ​​academician B.D. Grekov about the feudal nature of the Old Russian state, since the development of feudal relations began in the 9th century. leading trend in the socio-economic development of Ancient Russia.

Feudalism characterized by the complete ownership of the feudal lord on land and incomplete ownership of the peasants, in relation to whom he applies various forms of economic and non-economic coercion. The dependent peasant works not only the land of the feudal lord, but also his land plot, which he received from the feudal lord or the feudal state, and is the owner of the tools of labor, housing, etc.

The beginning process of transformation of the tribal nobility into landowners in the first two centuries of the existence of the state in Russia can be traced mainly only on archaeological material. These are rich burials of boyars and warriors, remnants of fortified suburban estates (estates) that belonged to senior warriors and boyars. The class of feudal lords also arose by separating the most prosperous members from the community, who turned part of the communal arable land into property. The expansion of feudal land tenure was also facilitated by the direct seizure of communal lands by the tribal nobility. The growth of the economic and political power of landowners led to the establishment of various forms of dependence of ordinary communes on the landowners.

Population categories

However, in the Kiev period, there remained a fairly significant number of free peasants, dependent only on the state. The term "peasants" itself appeared in sources only in the XIV century. Sources of the period of Kievan Rus name the community members dependent on the state and the Grand Duke people , or smerds.

The main social cell of the agricultural population continued to be the neighboring community - the rope. It could consist of one large village or several small settlements. The members of the Vervi were bound by collective responsibility for the payment of tribute, for crimes committed on the territory of the Vervi, by mutual responsibility. The community (vervi) included not only smerds-farmers, but also smerds-artisans (blacksmiths, potters, tanners) who provided the community's needs for handicraft products and worked mainly on order. A person who broke ties with the community and did not enjoy its patronage was called outcast.

WITH With the development of feudal land tenure, various forms of dependence of the agricultural population on the landowner appear. The common name for a temporarily dependent peasant was purchase. This was the name of a person who received a kupa from the landowner - help in the form of a piece of land, a cash loan, seeds, tools or draft power and who was obliged to return or work off a kupa with interest. Another term referring to addicted people is Ryadovich , those. a person who has entered into a certain contract with the feudal lord is a row and is obliged to perform various works according to this row.

In Kievan Rus, along with feudal relations, there was patriarchal slavery, which, however, did not play a significant role in the country's economy. Slaves were called slaves or servants. First of all, prisoners fell into slavery, but temporary debt servitude became widespread, which ended after the payment of the debt. Serfs were usually used as domestic servants. In some estates there were also the so-called plowed slaves, planted on the land and having their own economy.


The main unit of the feudal economy was the patrimony. It consisted of a princely or boyar estate and dependent communities-worms. The estate contained the owner's courtyard and mansions, bins and barns with "abundance", that is. supplies, servants' dwellings and other buildings. Various branches of the economy were in charge of special managers - tiuns and key keepers , at the head of the entire patrimonial administration was firemen. As a rule, artisans who served the aristocratic economy worked in the boyar or princely estate. Craftsmen could be slaves or be in some other form of dependence on the patrimonial land. The patrimonial economy had a natural character and was focused on the internal consumption of the feudal lord himself and his servants. Sources do not allow one to judge unambiguously about the prevailing form of feudal exploitation in the patrimony. It is possible that some part of the dependent peasants cultivated corvee, the other paid the landlord natural quitrent.

The urban population also fell into dependence on the princely administration or the feudal elite. Large feudal lords often founded special settlements for artisans near cities. In order to attract the population, the village owners provided certain benefits, temporary tax exemptions, etc. As a result, such craft settlements were called freedoms or settlements.

The spread of economic dependence, increased exploitation caused resistance from the dependent population. The most common form was the escape of addicts. This is evidenced by the severity of the punishment provided for such an escape - the transformation into a complete, "white" slave. Information about various manifestations of the class struggle is contained in Russkaya Pravda. It talks about violations of the boundaries of land holdings, setting fire to board trees, murders of representatives of the patrimonial administration, theft of property.

As a rule, twice a year, dependent peasants took to their creditors or owners the agreed amount of grain, meat, fish, vegetables, poultry, and canvases.

An important phenomenon in the economic and political life of Ancient Rus was the emergence of a large number of cities. The main category of the population in them were artisans and merchants. At the initial stage of the existence of the Old Russian state, despite the strengthening of the power of the prince and boyars, the traditionally high role of free communities in rural areas and veche authorities in cities remained. The city veche, for example, was in charge of the issues of war and peace, announced the convening of the militia, sometimes it could even change the prince (especially if the functions of the prince were limited only to organizing the resistance to the enemy in case of war). However, the right to vote at veche meetings belonged to the boyars, hierarchs of the church, wealthy townspeople and merchants.

"Fragmentation of the Old Russian state" - The fourth son of Yaroslav the Wise. Vsevolod Big Nest. Izyaslav Yaroslavich. Construction of the wooden Kremlin. Unsuccessful hike. State and military leader of Kievan Rus. Lyubech Congress of Princes. Civil strife. Mstislav Vladimirovich. Birch bark letters. Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Yaroslav the Wise.

"Fragmentation of Kievan Rus" - Yaroslav's sons received Russian lands. What are the negative aspects of fragmentation in Russia? The defense capability of the state has been undermined. Travel to Ancient Russia. What is feudal fragmentation? The beginning of feudal fragmentation in Russia. The consequences of feudal fragmentation in Russia.

"Kievan Rus 12-13 centuries" - Dmitry Solunsky. View of the Moskva River. Yury Dolgoruky. Konstantin Vsevolodovich (1186-1218). Our Lady of Vladimir. The first mention of Moscow (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle). Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154-1212). Construction of the Moscow Kremlin under Yuri Dolgorukov. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. 1174 - boyar conspiracy, murder of Andrey Bogolyubsky.

"Feudal fragmentation in Russia" - The founder of the Caves Monastery was one of the first students of Anthony - Theodosius. The largest political centers of southern and southwestern Russia. The princes had strong squads, they often fought with the Polovtsy. Reasons for feudal fragmentation. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Kiev, having lost its primacy among the Russian lands, remained a large principality.

"Fragmentation of Russia 12-13 centuries" - Galicia-Volyn principality. Princes. Vladimir-Suzdal land. Think about it. The throne in Suzdal. Kiev. Principality. Foundation of Moscow. Sons. Power Struggle. The clash of the princes with the boyars.

"The beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state" - Gathering information. The beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Davyd Igorevich. Basic concepts. Get acquainted with the events of the history of the Old Russian state. Our villages were emptied. Crusade. Information about childhood. Development of the Old Russian state. Characteristics of the historical personality of Vladimir Monomakh.

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