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How long does it take to treat thrush in women. The time required for the treatment of thrush. How to understand that it is candidiasis

Thrush, or candidiasis, is an unpleasant fungal disease. Every second woman faces it. If an ailment has appeared, the first thing that worries is the question: how long is thrush treated in women? Some women believe that this is a simple disease and does not need to be treated, it will go away on its own. But they are wrong. Thrush at an early stage can be cured in a few days. If you start the disease, the treatment can last for years.

Candidiasis has an incubation period of one day to three weeks, then the acute phase of the disease begins with characteristic symptoms:

  1. Vaginal discharge - mucous with white lumps.
  2. Sour smell of discharge.
  3. Itching of affected areas.
  4. Burning sensation.
  5. Pain during urination.
  6. Discomfort during intimacy.

Early symptoms appear one at a time. As the disease worsens, their number and intensity increases. You can determine the presence of a fungal infection yourself with the help of pharmacy tests, and by contacting a gynecologist. The clinic takes a smear, determines the type of fungus, its quantity and resistance to drugs.

Treatment should be started at the first manifestations. To get rid of candidiasis take a set of therapeutic measures:

  • taking local antifungal drugs (vaginal suppositories, capsules and tablets, ointments);
  • douching with special solutions;
  • taking antifungal agents inside (appointed in severe cases);
  • diet.

If you use only one method, then the treatment will be incomplete, and its period will be delayed.

Terms of treatment of candidiasis

Sometimes candidiasis can be cured in 3-4 days. How long a thrush is treated in a woman depends on the individual.

  1. Age. In women after menopause, the symptoms of thrush (discharge and smell) are less pronounced. The disease is not diagnosed in time and can become chronic.
  2. Hormonal background. The concentration of hormones in the blood significantly affects the health of the genital organs, the manifestations of symptoms of thrush and the timing of treatment.
  3. Immunity. With a weakened immune system, treatment is delayed. Additionally, vitamins and immunostimulating agents are prescribed.
  4. The state of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.
  5. Resistance of fungal pathogens to drugs. This parameter is determined in the clinic.

If at the first manifestations of candidiasis you do not seek help from a doctor, you can start the disease. Thrush after 10-20 days without proper therapy becomes chronic. It is difficult to treat chronic thrush, relapses can occur four times a year. Depending on the individual characteristics, chronic candidiasis is treated for 2-5 years.

Modern therapy of candidiasis

Patients with an acute course of the disease are prescribed an intensive course of therapy. In modern clinics, there are procedures that increase the effectiveness of drug treatment:

  • sanitation of the cervical canal (vacuum);
  • sanitation of the vagina (ultrasound)
  • mud decals;
  • thermal irrigation with sanitizing solutions;
  • magnetophoresis drugs.

Physiotherapy is aimed at normalizing the microflora of the vaginal mucosa, relieving symptoms. In acute cases, the procedure is done daily. With advanced thrush, they are repeated once a week. The cost of procedures is quite high.

The course of taking drugs for thrush

For effective treatment of thrush, you need to undergo a full course of drug treatment. The most commonly prescribed drugs for topical use are:

  • Zalain (candles);
  • Clotrimazole (candles, cream);
  • Pimafucin (cream);
  • Livarol (candles).

The most convenient form of medicine for thrush are suppositories. The course of treatment averages two or three weeks. Creams are applied to the affected areas up to four times a day. Candles are inserted into the vagina at night.

Douching, means and timing

Douching and washing are aimed at reducing the symptoms of inflammation. The procedure is carried out with a solution of soda, chlorhexidine or herbal decoctions of St. John's wort or chamomile. Douching is done within 10 days. It speeds up the process of treating candidiasis.

For the procedure, rubber pears are used. It is filled with a warm soda solution or herbal tincture. The end of the pear is gently inserted into the vagina and the liquid is released with a slight pressure inside. The solution should be tried to hold in the vagina longer. After the procedure, the tip must be washed well and treated with potassium permanganate.

Proper nutrition in the treatment of candidiasis

The diet complements drug treatment and allows you to quickly get rid of thrush. You need to follow the rules of nutrition during the entire course of taking the drugs and for several weeks after the end of treatment. This will prevent the disease from recurring. Diet for candidiasis:
Fermented milk products (kefir, starter cultures, yoghurts without sugar and fruit fillers). Bacterial cultures will become competitors for fungal pathogens.

  1. Vegetables, herbs and unsweetened fruits. Plant foods are rich in vitamins. They help boost overall immunity.
  2. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, linseed, sea buckthorn). The oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.
  3. You can not use sweet and starchy foods, fruit juices and nectars, beer and alcohol. Fungi eat sweets. An increase in blood glucose levels will create a favorable environment for their reproduction.
  4. Diet will help boost immunity and improve the overall health of the body. It will be easier for him to fight the infection.

Prevention of candidiasis

After a full course of treatment, precautions must be taken to avoid relapse and complications.

  1. Take antibiotics only under the supervision of a specialist and in combination with probiotics and antihistamines.
  2. Timely treat viral infections and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Go for preventive examinations at the gynecologist twice a year.
  4. Wear only cotton underwear, wash it in hypoallergenic powders and iron with steam.
  5. For the hygiene of the external genital organs, use special gels with lactic acid and an optimal acid-base balance.
  6. Use vitamin complexes.
  7. Monitor the nature of vaginal discharge.
  8. Follow a healthy diet and give up bad habits.

These rules must be observed in chronic thrush. Her treatment can take several years. Proper behavior will help to avoid frequent relapses and complications.

Many women do not pay due attention to thrush, considering this problem to be insignificant. And then she pesters them with discomfort for several years. How much thrush is treated depends only on the woman's approach to the health of the reproductive system.

Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal disease caused by the protozoan yeast microorganisms of the genus Candida. The disease causes burning, itching, swelling of the genital organs, the appearance of white curdled discharge from the vagina. In women, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, a rash forms on the surface of the mucous membranes. How long thrush is treated depends on the severity and form of the pathology.

For a successful fight against fungi and the restoration of normal microflora, first of all, the cause of the development of thrush is eliminated. Provoke the disease can:

  • weakened immunity;
  • taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives;
  • endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • menopause;
  • the use of low-quality gels for intimate hygiene;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • chronic stress;
  • bad habits;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • injury to the mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

If only treatment of the symptoms of thrush is carried out, then the disease will constantly recur, turn into a chronic form, and can cause complications in the form of inflammation of the vagina. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively, for this they find out the main cause that provoked the disease, and eliminate it.

How long is thrush of the acute stage, which arose for the first time, treated? The course of treatment on average takes from 7 to 14 days, subject to all the recommendations of the doctor. It is necessary to take medication even after the disappearance of the external manifestations of candidiasis. Most often, a mild form of the disease is treated with vaginal suppositories with antimycotics, immunomodulators and probiotics, which populate the vaginal mucosa with beneficial lactobacilli.

There are modern drugs (Fluconazole) that promise to cure a woman from thrush in one day. With primary candidiasis, a single dose of an antimycotic capsule is sufficient; if the disease is recurrent, you will have to undergo a course of treatment lasting 6–12 months. Tablets are taken 1 time per week or per month. The scheme is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

How long thrush passes in women with diabetes depends on how long it takes to normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood. In diseases of the thyroid gland, restoration of the level of thyroid hormones is required.

The chronic form of thrush can last several months, to eliminate the symptoms of pathology, it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment with antimycotics, vaginal suppositories, and immunomodulators.

Duration of treatment for thrush in pregnant women

Therapy of candidiasis in expectant mothers is carried out with drugs that are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not violate the placental barrier, therefore, they cannot harm the fetus. Most often, women are prescribed vaginal suppositories Pimafucin, Livarol. The drug Terzhinan is used starting from the 2nd trimester, treatment is contraindicated at earlier periods.

For how long thrush is treated in women during pregnancy depends on the drugs taken. On average, the course takes 3-7 days. Oral administration of antimycotics is prescribed in rare cases for emergency indications.

How long do you need to be treated with candles

For topical use, suppositories or vaginal tablets are prescribed. This method of treatment is indicated for primary infection and when there are no complications.

  • Candles with Nystatin are injected into the vagina after hygiene procedures 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

  • Suppositories Clotrimazole is used once a day for 6 days.

  • Polygynax vaginal capsules are used for treatment for 12 days, in order to prevent recurrence of chronic thrush - 6 days.

  • Treatment with Pimafucin is carried out for 3-6 days.

  • Klion-D is used 1 capsule per day for 10 days.

Candles suppress the reproduction of yeast fungi, do not change the composition of the vaginal microflora, eliminate burning and itching. In addition to suppositories, local treatment of the genital organs with gels and creams Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Nystatin is prescribed. Dermal ointments have an antifungal effect, relieve discomfort.

Duration of tablet therapy

And with chronic thrush, how long does the treatment last? Recurrent candidiasis is treated with vaginal suppositories and oral tablets. The advantage of this therapy is the shorter duration of the course, but there is a risk of developing allergic reactions, side effects from the digestive tract, liver.

The list of antimycotics for the treatment of thrush:

  • Miconazole is taken 1 tablet per day for 3 days.

  • Diflucan is taken as a single dose of 150 mg.

  • Ketocanozol should be taken 1-2 times a day for 5 days in a row.

  • Levorin in the acute form of thrush is drunk for 5 days, in chronic - 10.

The doctor should prescribe pills after confirming the diagnosis, self-medication can cause the development of side effects and complications. Most drugs are contraindicated for therapy during pregnancy. After how many days candidiasis will pass, the gynecologist will be able to say, given the individual characteristics of the woman and the severity of the disease.

Home remedies for thrush

At home, douching with a solution of baking soda, potassium permanganate helps get rid of thrush. Procedures are carried out 2 times a day for 7-10 days. This method has an antibacterial effect, helps relieve itching, burning and irritation of the genital organs.

Of the many popular folk recipes, the introduction of tampons with honey and aloe vera juice is used. The bee product is a natural antioxidant, has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Aloe reduces swelling, irritation and redness of the mucous membranes. Tampons are used once a day for 10 days.

Home douching with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark or knotweed also helps get rid of thrush. Herbs have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect, contribute to the restoration of normal microflora, increase local immunity. The procedures continue for 7-10 days, even if the symptoms have disappeared earlier.

Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out after examination and consultation with a gynecologist, otherwise thrush may become chronic. Sometimes women take a sexually transmitted infection for vaginal candidiasis, this threatens to develop complications, inflammation of the vagina, uterus, and appendages.

The average duration of treatment for thrush is 3-14 days. Severe forms of recurrent candidiasis require longer therapy in a complex way. Requires oral antimycotics and topical application of suppositories, gels or creams for 6–12 months.

Today, almost every woman at least once in her life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. that the disease is not very dangerous, it can lead to serious consequences, so it should be treated immediately, as soon as it has made itself felt. In this article, we will talk about what this ailment is, and also find out how much thrush is treated in women and what methods should be used to stop it. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.

What is a thrush?

This pathology in medicine is called candidiasis. Thrush is a fungal disease that is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They are found in the vaginal environment even in the healthiest woman and at the same time participate in maintaining a healthy microflora. However, if the body's defenses of the fair sex have weakened, then the number of these pathogenic microorganisms will greatly increase, and they will lead to inflammatory processes in the vagina. Before you begin to analyze how much thrush is treated in women, you need to understand what are the causes of its occurrence, as well as how to find out about its presence.

Causes of pathology

Many of the fair sex are interested in how much thrush is treated in women. If the disease is not neglected, then a complete cure will come very quickly. Let's consider what causes it to occur:

  • Wrong unbalanced diet. Women who eat a large amount of sweet, fatty and spicy foods, as well as pastries, suffer greatly.
  • The disease can be caused by hormonal disruptions in the body.
  • Often this pathology occurs when the balance of the female microflora is disturbed. Especially often this happens if a woman has been taking antibiotics for a very long time. Do not forget that they destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also healthy ones.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, as well as wearing very tight underwear made of synthetic materials.
  • This disease is very often encountered by women who have problems with metabolic processes in the body. Namely, this includes women suffering from diabetes, obesity and other pathologies.

As you can see, there are really a lot of reasons for the occurrence of this pathology. Therefore, every woman should know how much thrush is treated in women, as well as what needs to be done to treat it.

The main symptoms of pathology

In fact, it is not difficult to recognize such an ailment as thrush, because it almost always makes itself felt with the same signs. Consider what are the symptoms of such an unpleasant disease:

  • The first thing girls should pay attention to is vaginal discharge. With thrush, they will look like cottage cheese, and even be accompanied by an overly sour unpleasant odor.
  • The genitals begin to become inflamed and redden. In this case, inflammatory processes are always accompanied by a strong burning sensation. If a woman combs these places, she will only aggravate the situation, since pathogenic organisms can get into the deeper layers of the tissue.
  • Quite often, women complain of very painful and frequent urination.

  • It becomes very painful to have sex, so gynecologists strongly recommend holding on until the disease is completely eliminated.

How many days is thrush treated in women?

The duration of treatment for candidiasis in women depends on how much the disease progresses. If the disease has already managed to go to the last stage, then it will be very difficult to get rid of it, the treatment process will be quite long. Usually, doctors prescribe the use of any drugs on an individual basis and tell the woman directly how much thrush is treated with tablets. It is very important to continue the treatment process to the end, even if the symptoms of the pathology disappeared after a couple of days. If you do not do this, then make a big mistake, since the thrush may not yet be completely cured, which means that it can again make itself felt, but in a more serious manifestation.

How many days thrush is treated in women, only the attending physician can say after the fair sex has passed all the necessary tests. Usually, non-progressive stages of the disease can be completely cured in four to seven days. However, the cure will be so fast only if the woman strictly followed all the prescriptions of her doctor. If the disease has acquired more serious stages, then you will not get rid of it so quickly. In this case, the course of treatment can be several weeks or even months. To treat such an ailment, you will be prescribed very serious and strong medications.

How to speed up the process?

How much thrush is treated in women is of interest to so many of the fair sex. Do not forget that each organism is individual, so the time period for treatment may be different. In order to cure the disease as soon as possible, it is very important to find an integrated approach. Only comprehensive measures can significantly accelerate the result. What do patients need to do for a quick cure:

  • First of all, it is very important to take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. These can be oral tablets, as well as suppositories and ointments.
  • It is also very important to increase the protective functions of your body. To do this, it is very important to provide your body with much-needed nutrients and vitamins. Doctors very often prescribe additional vitamin complexes, as well as dietary supplements, to their patients.
  • During treatment, it is very important to stop the excessive consumption of sweet and starchy foods, as well as chocolate products.
  • Engage in the restoration of healthy microflora. To do this, regularly drink dairy products that contain microorganisms that are beneficial to our body.

Features of treatment

How long thrush lasts in women and how to cure it are questions that concern many of the fair sex. Even if the symptoms of the pathology are not too developed, it is very important to start eliminating them, since ignoring treatment will only worsen your situation. It is also very important not to self-medicate, relying on the opinion of friends and advertising. Please note that only an experienced gynecologist will be able to prescribe a treatment that will be ideal for you.

Treatment with pills

Tablet preparations intended for oral use do an excellent job with such a problem as thrush in women. How long is thrush treated in women in time when using pills? In this case, it all depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the drug itself. There are medicines intended only for single use, as well as tablets, the course of treatment of which lasts about one to two weeks. Please note that medicines for thrush in the form of tablets enter the systemic circulation, and therefore can cause very severe harm to the body. The doctor may prescribe such drugs only if there is an urgent need.

Use of vaginal suppositories and ointments

Many women are interested in how much thrush is treated in women with candles. Most often, the course of treatment in this case lasts about ten to fourteen days. In fact, suppositories need to be used a little longer than oral tablets, but despite this, topical preparations are safer for the female body.

Some medicines need to be taken twice a day, morning and evening. For other medicines, one application per day before bedtime will be sufficient. In order for the candle to get as deep as possible into the vagina, lie on your back and spread your legs wide. It is in this position that you enter the suppository. After that, you need to lie in bed for ten minutes with your legs up.

Please note that in the presence of monthly medicines for intravaginal use, there is no point in using them, since they will be completely washed out of the vagina with the help of blood.

What is "Pimafucin"?

Quite often, gynecologists prescribe this remedy for thrush to their patients. Moreover, the drug has two forms of release: tablets and vaginal suppositories. Both forms are very effective, but only a doctor can decide which one is best for you. The drug is really very effective. Tablets are usually prescribed if the thrush has already become chronic. However, most often, doctors prescribe both tablets and suppositories at the same time. So the healing effect can be achieved much faster.

Now consider how much thrush is treated in women with Pimafucin. It is recommended to take the tablets for a week, using one tablet four times a day every day. The course of treatment with candles is about three to seven days. Suppositories are administered once a day deep into the vagina, just before bedtime.

Factors affecting the rate of treatment

In fact, how many days thrush lasts in women depends on so many factors. Let's look at which ones:

  • form of the disease. If the disease has arisen only recently, then it will be easy and simple to cure thrush. This will take a short period of a few days. The treatment of the acute form of pathology may take about two to three weeks. But it is very difficult to get rid of the chronic stage of the disease. In this case, the treatment will be very long and consist of several courses.

  • Also, the recovery factor will depend on the characteristics of the female body, namely the state of the immune system. If immunity is restored quickly, then recovery will come much faster. If a woman suffers from several pathologies at the same time, then the immune system will have to deal with all of them, so the body will recover much more slowly.
  • Another factor is the use of properly selected medications. If a highly qualified doctor has chosen a remedy for thrush for you, then the recovery process will be much faster.
  • It is very important to establish why exactly the disease arose. By doing this, you can prevent its reoccurrence.

Preventive measures

Keep in mind that even after a complete recovery, thrush can return again if you do not take precautions. Therefore, be sure to change your lifestyle so that such an unpleasant ailment as candidiasis does not bother you anymore. What can be attributed to preventive measures:

  • Proper nutrition, exercise and other procedures that help strengthen the immune system.

  • Conducting a sexual life only with a proven partner.
  • Rest mode. It is very important to learn how to organize your day so that you have eight hours for a night's sleep.
  • Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Be sure to shower twice a day, and wear only high-quality natural underwear.
  • Do not use antibacterial drugs without a prescription from your doctor, as they can disrupt the female microflora.

Can a woman infect a man?

In no case do not have sex with a man if you have been diagnosed with thrush, because this way you can pass this disease on to him, and then he will pass it on to you again. Here the cycle can be endless. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself from sexual activity during thrush. Be sure to wait until the disease is completely gone.


In this article, we talked about how long thrush lasts and how to treat candidiasis. The treatment time will primarily depend on you, so do your best to speed it up. First of all, seek help from a gynecologist, and also proceed to restore immunity. Follow all medical measures, as well as recommendations for prevention, and the disease will leave you very soon and will no longer want to return to you. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Thrush is an unpleasant fungal disease that almost every second woman encounters throughout her life. However, in some cases, the disease can also affect men, especially with unprotected sexual contact with a girl who has candidiasis in the active stage. There are a lot of reasons why this pathology develops in the body. And often with a basis on a factor that provokes a negative state, treatment is performed. Effective therapy for thrush in both sexes is an integrated approach to solving this delicate problem. However, in addition to the idea of ​​​​how you can get rid of this disease, you should be aware of how long the entire process of correcting the condition takes. After all, the ongoing treatment, one way or another, but affects the usual rhythm of life, requires some restrictions.

Highlights of the treatment of fungal disease in women and men

Before looking for an exact or approximate answer to the question of how long thrush is treated, you need to get an idea of ​​what points are important to consider before starting general therapy. Often, non-compliance with all the rules and nuances leads to the fact that candidiasis in women or women only subsides for a while, then returning again with the slightest changes in the body and with minimal outside influence.

On the basis of what is the therapy plan for several days or weeks?

Because of what, the treatment of fungal pathology can be complicated or can not bring the desired result?

Before starting a treatment course against the manifestations of candidiasis, it is necessary to have a clear attitude towards recovery and immediate readiness, a desire to be treated. But how long does the correction of the disease state last, after which the unpleasant disease passes once and for all?

How long is the disease treated and what determines the duration of therapy

It is impossible to determine with accuracy how long therapy against fungal pathology will last. The duration of treatment is influenced by a number of factors that relate to both the correction of the condition in men and the duration of therapy in women.

What affects the duration of treatment:

  • a form of fungal disease; if thrush proceeds conditionally superficially, does not have additional complications and is not prone to relapse, then it will take several times less time to cure it than in a situation where the disease has passed into a severe chronic stage;
  • individual characteristics of the patient's body, the correctness of the selected means and methods of correction, the presence of concomitant painful conditions;
  • the main root cause that gave rise to the activity of yeast-like fungi, and how easily it can be eliminated;
  • patient's age; for example, in childhood or adolescence, the treatment process can be lengthy due to the imperfection of the immune system, ongoing changes in the body, including hormonal ones.

On average, thrush clears up in 5-10 days.

How long is chronic, acute, mild thrush treated in women without taking into account complications? Often, the duration of course therapy in the case of a superficial disease is from 2 to 5 days. In a situation of an acute form of the disease, when the symptoms are very pronounced, therapy can last 7-10 days. If there is a therapeutic effect on a fungal pathology that has turned into a protracted form, then up to 2 weeks of intensive treatment may be required, which, unfortunately, does not always give the desired results. In rare cases, the correction of the condition in women can last from six months or longer, with the need to repeat the intake and use of antifungal drugs in courses with an interval of 1.5-2 months.

In a situation of male candidiasis, the timing of the impact on the pathological condition is usually the same as in the case of the treatment of the disease in the fair sex. In some embodiments, thrush of any form, diagnosed in men, is able to completely “calm down” in a week. However, in this scenario, there is a risk that pathogenic fungi remain in the body in large numbers, without causing relapses, but increasing the risk of infection of a potential sexual partner.

Do not assume that you can get rid of candidiasis in just a day. Gone external symptoms is not a guarantee that the disease is really eliminated. Therefore, it is important not only not to self-medicate, but also to follow all the advice of a doctor, without interrupting the process of correcting the condition at any convenient moment. Only a competent approach in the fight against this pathology will allow you to forget about the manifestations of thrush.

Unfortunately, all women are faced with such an unpleasant disease as thrush. She appears in the vagina. Irritants are microorganisms that cause fungal disease.

You do not need to be treated on your own, because there may be other diseases of the genitourinary system. On your own, you can only drown out the thrush, but not cure it. Then it can become chronic.

For advice, it is better to consult a doctor.

The main causes of thrush:

  • There are a lot of different microorganisms in the female body. When health gives slack, only then does the attack of our body begin. The immune system cannot regulate microorganisms, at which point thrush begins. There are many reasons why fungal bacteria become abundant. For example: Polluted water, air, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, stress and much more.
  • Candida fungi (as these microorganisms are called) begin to attach and grow deep into the walls of the vagina. In addition, it begins to spore and gradually creates a favorable environment for the development of the disease.
  • Some doctors suggest that synthetic underwear also creates a favorable environment for the development of thrush.

Do not forget about another risk factor for infection with thrush. This is unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner. If after that you begin to show symptoms, then immediately begin to be treated together.

Allergy and thrush

More recently, doctors have revealed that thrush can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body to a seasonal exacerbation. In ongoing studies, antibodies were found that caused thrush. Such an infection is not amenable to conventional treatment, because the allergen itself remains in the body. Be sure to go to the gynecologist, and he will prescribe you the necessary anti-allergic drugs.

Symptoms of thrush in women:

  1. Vaginal discharge is thick or cheesy
  2. Intense itching, inside and out,
  3. Redness,
  4. Pain, burning and discomfort during intercourse.

Symptoms of thrush in men:

  1. Inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis,
  2. White patches on inflamed areas
  3. Discomfort during intercourse.

How long does thrush take to heal

It is worth noting that everyone's illness lasts differently. Some go away in a few days, while others take up to a few weeks. In the acute form of the disease, treatment can take up to 1 week. The duration of treatment may depend on several factors - the localization of the process, the patient's complaints and how severe the disease is.

If it is not treated, it will go into the chronic stage. And then he will prescribe a more serious course of treatment. But even it can be useless until the girl strictly follows the doctor's instructions. Remember that when the thrush goes into the stage of candidiasis, the healing process will not be quick.

Doctors may prescribe you drugs such as: Terzhinan, Klion-D or Clotrimazole. Candles-Polygynax and Livarol will also help. For quick treatment, you may be prescribed Neo-Penotran suppositories and tablets based on the drug fluconazole. With candidiasis, complex antifungal drugs will be prescribed.

For the treatment of thrush in men, creams are prescribed. For example: Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin. Smear on the affected areas after the bath, 2-3 times a day. So after how many days does thrush go away in men? It passes quite quickly, the symptoms disappear already within 2-3 days.

How long does thrush last

If you have had thrush for the first time, then it can last no more than 2 weeks. How long does it take for thrush to pass? In the acute form, procedures prescribed by the doctor are carried out every 7-10 days. Until the disease is completely cured. Usually after 6 months a second course of treatment is carried out. Through how much thrush passes - it depends on each person individually.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, a fungal disease is very common, every second woman suffers throughout the entire period. Female sex hormones are to blame for everything, which reduce immunity and the activity of leukocytes. This contributes to the rapid reproduction of the fungus in the birth canal. So how much is thrush treated during pregnancy? Unfortunately, this fungal infection can generally go away only after childbirth. Your doctor may prescribe you pimafucin, which can be taken during pregnancy. The most important thing is that she does not harm the baby. Self-medication in such a situation is not worth doing. You may be prescribed multivitamins and general strengthening drugs.

How much is thrush treated with pimafucin

This is a very good drug that not only suppresses, but kills fungal cells. Women are prescribed vaginal suppositories, and a cream for a partner (even if he is not sick). Candles should be used once a day at night. Best when lying down.

Remember that it is better not to delay the treatment of thrush!

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